Publication: The Muncie Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 21, no. 221, p. 2, col. 1-3
Of Kindergarten Association
of Muncie Held Tuesday.
President's Report With Numerous
Others Submitted — Excellent
Work of Charitable Ladies.
The annual meeting of the Muncie Kindergarten association was held in the parlors of the First Presbyterian church Tuesday afternoon, January 10. Miss Goddard, the President, presiding. The meeting opened with Scripture reading and prayer by Rev. Wm Oxtoby. The minutes of the last meeting were read, and approved as read. The President then read a report of the year's work. The President then called for reports of the officers and committees. Mrs. Will Nation, financial secretary of tbs association, gave a report of the money received and the expenditures for the year.
The secretary of the association and Executive Board, Mrs. Van Der Cook, gave the minutes of the Executive Board for the year. Mrs. Arabella Winans, representative of the Finance committee, reported one meeting held in the month of March, and about $200 raised at this time; that afterward the circulation of a popular subscription for the kindergarten fund made it unnecessary to again call the committee together. Mrs. Arthur Smith reported the work of the church committee in supplying the needs of the destitute.
Mrs. Will Little, chairman of the Kindergarten committee, had no report to make as there had been no occasion to call this committee together or need of their services. Mrs. A. Winans reported the work of the ntertainment committee. Mrs. Will Goddard of the Children's committee, reported visits made to the homes of the children; that the work of this committee was well done, as shown in results by the exceptionally large enrollment of children for the fall term in both Kindergartens.
Mrs. Charles Galliher reported press work done. The reports were adopted, and a rising vote of thanks given to the retiring president and secretary as there was no other business to transact the meeting adjourned.
Today one hundred and seventy-five children have found entrance into the Muncie Kindergartens. We are under obligations to the press, to the business men and to all the kind people of Muncie, for aiding us in carrying on the work. The close of another year brings with it causes for encouragement and thanksgiving. The devoted women who have the responsibility of the schools have worked faithfully, and a generous and intelligent public have shown that their interest and purses are ready to help in a worthy cause.
There is an earnest demand for a new kindergarten in the southeastern part of the city, and it is the regret of the board that they were not able to meet the demand. One of the factories in the southern part of the city sent a beautiful gift to each child in the Avondale kindergarten, saying: "We do this because no influence among our men has been so helpful or so really beneficial as the influence of the Avondale kindergarten." This is truly encouraging.
To the doors of the free kindergarten comes the child of the poor, the unfortunate, the sad. It bids him welcome, and declares that he shall have a chance with the more fortunate child of the community. It gives him an atmosphere of love of sympathetic direction and a right start in life. The kindergarten is a large, airy, bright room, with carefully selected pictures on the walls, exerting a silent influence, with windows of growing plants telling a story of beauty and mysterious life, within whose limits the best music of voice and instrument is heard. It is a group of children with an ideal motherly woman, from whose influence a certain spiritual atmosphere arises. The two directors in the Avondale and South Walnut street kindergartens realize their responsibility, and have done good work, and the board is greatly thankful to them; also to the bright, cheerful assistants.
It will be seen from the financial report that, with the exception of $60, the money coming in for the entire year (something over a thousand dollars) has been given in popular subscriptions. With this we have met all the monthly expenses. It has simply been handed over to the financial secretary, and we are greatly thankful to the hundreds of those interested, who have given from 10c to $25. Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these, ye have done it unto me. We are indebted especially to the ladies who carried out the canvassing in the various neighborhoods for their willingness to lend helping hands.
We need not only the confidence and support of the business men, but we need the sympathy and assistance of the clergymen. We did, indeed, miss the aid of one who was absent some time from the city. By pulpit utterance and encouragement they can do much to influence philanthropic people to aid us in this branch of home missionary work.
The reports of the various committees will give information in regard to the interesting details of the work. We can only urge each and all to visit the kindergartens, for one always comes away with wonder and a determination to do more.
May the work for the coming year be easier, may the workers have many added to their list, and may the new and enthusiastic officers have the best of success.
May the number of children be increased, and all the mothers' work prosper in the future even more than in the past. MISS ANNA GODDARD.
President — Mrs. Arabella Winans.
Vice Presidents — Mrs. George F. McCulloch, Mrs. Dr. Trent, Mrs. W. S. Richie, Mrs. M. E. Van Der Cook, Mrs. Will Little.
Treasurer — Mr. Edward Olcott.
Financial Secretary — Mrs. Will Nation.
Recording Secretary — Miss Carolyn McCulloch.
Advisory Board — Mr. George F. McCulloch, Mr. John K Wildman, Mr. George Spilker, Mr. Fred Heath, Mr. W. R. Snyder, Mr. Joseph Goddard, Mr. Will Hitchcock.
Finance Committee — Mr. Will Hitchcock, Mr. Ed Ball, Mr. T. F. Rose, Mr. J. C. Johnson, Mr. Charles Boldt, Mr. J. J. Hartley, Mr. J. M. Maring, Mrs. Carl Spilker, Mrs. B. C. Bowman.
Visiting Committee — Miss Anna Goddard, Mrs. R. S. Gregory, Mrs. W. P. Stevens, Mrs. Hardin Rhoades, Mrs. John Little.
Entertainment Committee — Mrs. Geo. F McCulloch, Mrs. James Durham, Mrs. T. F. Hart, Mrs. Dr. Trent, Mrs. T. F. Rose, Mrs. William Oxtoby, Mrs. W. P. Stevens, Mrs. A. L. Johnson, Mrs. Lee Herrmann, Mrs. Wm. L. Ball, Mrs. Ed Moore, Mrs.. Austin Meeks, Mrs. C. A. Spilker, Messrs. Edward Ball, Wangner, Friend, Robert Walker and Robert Williams.
Press Committee — Mrs. T. F Hart
Kindergarten Committee — Mrs. Chas. M Galliher, Mrs. W. S. Richey, Mrs. M. E. Van Der Cook.
Children's Committee — Mrs. Will Goddard, chairman.
Church Committee — Mrs. Arthur Smith, Mrs. Hardin Rhoades, Mrs. Edward Moore, Mrs. B. C. Bowman, Mrs. R. A. Andes, Mrs. William Ault, Mrs. T. F. Hart, Mrs. Julius Heinsohn, Mrs. Jerome Galliher, Mrs. H. T. McElfresh, Mrs. Moses Hene.
Executive Board — Mrs. A. Winans, Mrs. George F. McCulloch, Mrs. Dr. Trent, Mrs. W. S. Richie, Mrs. M. E. Van Der Cook, Mrs. Will Little, Mrs. Will Nation, Miss Carolyn McCulloch, Mr. George F. McCulloch, Mrs. Carl A. Spilker and Mrs. B. C. Bowman, for the Finance committee; Miss Goddard, Mrs. James L. Kingsbury, Mrs. Charles M. Galliher, Mm. Arthur Smith. Mrs. T. F. Hart, Mrs. Will Goddard.
Chairman Press Com.
Sec'y Association and Ex. Board.
Report of the Financial Secretary for the year ending January 1, 1899:
Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1898......$414.82
Annual Subscriptions and Donations:
Mr. Jos. A. Goddard...............$35.00
Mrs. T. F. Rose.........................30.00
Mrs. Arabella Winans..............25.00
Mr. Charles Boldt....................25.00
Midland Steel Works...............25.00
Mr. J. M. Marine......................25.00
Mr. J. C. Johnson.....................25.00
Mrs. A. L. Johnson...................25.00
Mrs. Eva Little.........................25.00
Mrs. James Boyce....................25.00
Mrs. George McCulloch..........25.00
Mr. W. E. Hitchcock................25.00
J. H. Smith & Co.....................25.00
Mr. E. B. Ball...........................20.00
Mr. F. C. Ball...........................20.00
Mr. G. A. Ball..........................20.00
Mr. H. Rhoades........................20.00
Indiana Bridge Co....................15.00
Miss Jennie Neely....................14.00
Hemingray Glass Co................10.00
Muncie Wheel Works...............10.00
Mr. W. P. Stevens......................10.00
Mr. Ed Johnson.........................10.00
Mr. Arthur Meeks.....................10.00
R. Meeks & Son.......................10.00
Mrs. W. L. Little.......................10.00
Mrs. L. S. Ganter......................10.00
Mrs. George Bard.....................10.00
Mr. J. C. Wood..........................10.00
Mrs. W. W. Shirk......................10.00
Mrs. J. A. Goddard.....................6.00
Mr. C. S. Wachtell......................6.00
Mr. R. M. Ball............................5.00
Mrs. C. M. Rich..........................5.00
Dr. Cowing.................................5.00
Kirby Brothers............................5.00
Wagner & Bingham....................5.00
Mr. R Scott..................................5.00
Mr. J. J. Hartley...........................5.00
Dr. Kemper.................................5.00
Dr. Winans..................................5.00
Mr. Clarence Kiser......................5.00
Mr. James Bingham....................5.00
Mrs. Frank Thrall.......................5.00
Mrs. C. H. Church......................5.00
Mrs. Dr. Winans..........................5.00
Mr. W. L. Lacey..........................5.00
Mrs. Carl Spilker........................5.00
Mrs. Will Ball.............................5.00
Mrs. Charles Kimbrough............5.00
Miss Carolyn McCulloch...........5.00
Miss Anna Goddard....................5.00
Mrs. Arthur Smith.......................5.00
Mrs. Webster Richey...................5.00
Mrs. Ida Rhea.............................3.00
Mr. Mark Topp............................3.00
Mr. Will Church..........................3.00
Miss Martha Corbett...................3.00
Mr. and Mrs. Cropper.................2.00
Mrs. Will Goddard......................2.00
Jessie and Mrs. Bradbury............2.00
Mr. Cory Abbott.........................2.00
Mr. Richey .................................2.00
Mrs. George Maring...................2.00
Mr. and Mrs. Denslow................2.00
Mrs. Charles Galliher..................2.00
Mrs. C. T. Dages.........................2.00
Mrs. John Ryan...........................1.00
Mrs. F. B. Nickey........................1.00
Mr. A. L. Kerwood......................1.00
Miss Reba Richey........................1.00
Mr. Thomas ................................1.00
Mr. Anderson...............................1.00
Mr. T. Valentine...........................1.00
Mrs. H. H. Haymond...................1.00
Mr. Shick ....................................1.00
Mr. B. F. Bratton..........................1.00
Mr. Lewis Cowing.......................1.00
Mr. Henry Marsh.........................1.00
Mr. Win. Abbott...........................1.00
Judge Koons ...............................1.00
Mr. Snyder ..................................1.00
Mr. Charles Baldwin...................1.00
Mr. Charles Wood.......................1.00
Mrs. Case....................................1.00
Miss Kirby .................................1.00
Mr. G. M. Reed...........................1.00
Kinert Bros..................................1.00
Mr. Alton Hastings......................1.00
Mr. Clarence Carson...................1.00
Mrs. Elliott .................................1.00
Mrs. Winton................................1.00
Mrs. C. J. McCulloch..................1.00
Mr. John Taylor...........................1.00
Dr. Ball........................................1.00
Stella McClellan ........................1.00
Mrs. Lotz.....................................1.00
Dr Shoemaker..............................1.00
Mrs. W. R. Moore........................1.00
Mr. Albert Richey........................1.00
Mrs. James ..................................1.00
Mrs. Sam Anthony.......................1.00
Mr. Richardson............................1.00
Mrs. Charles Koontz...................1.00
Mrs. Fowler.................................1.00
Mrs. Will Hickman......................1.00
Mrs. Thomas...............................1.00
Mrs. Anthony...............................1.00
Mrs. Mitchell...............................1.00
Mrs. Streeter................................1.00
Mrs. Wysor..................................1.00
Mrs. Jewett..................................1.00
Mr. Fred Jewett............................1.00
Mr. Milt Gray...............................1.00
Mrs. W. N. Orr.............................1.00
Mrs. Eiler ....................................1.00
Mr. J. G. Thomas.........................1.00
Mr. A. W. Brady...........................1.00
Miss Bell Thomas........................1.00
Mr. R. E. Walker...........................1.00
Total yearly subscriptions $733.00
Donations of leas than $1.00 each 31.44
Proceeds of Ladies' euchre party 62.64
Proceeds La Perles Cercus............12.02
Ladies' Aid society of
Presbyterian Church ......................8.00
Collected from Whitely..................5.00
Donation by M. E. Sunday school 4.00
Donations of Friends' S.S...............6.68
Thanksgiving offering.....................6.21
Donation from Hebrew S. School 1.90
Received from chain letters..........23.40
Received from Walnut street
kindergarten to apply on piano 18.00
Receipts during year....................$946.79
Total, including balance on hand
January 1, 1898..........................$1,361.61
Salaries of teachers....................$1,009.00
Wages of janitors..............................75.50
Rents of buildings...........................122.00
Materials for schools....................... 25.79
Gas rents ......................................... 32.40
Printing and advertising ..................22.15
Revenue stamps ................................ .12
Plumbing .......................................... 1.15
Express............................................... .25
Premium on Insurance...................... 3.00
Expenses of mothers’ meetings ...... 10.59
Total expenses ..........................$ 1,301.95
Total receipts ......................$1,361.61
Total expenditures...............$1,301.95
Balance in bank.......................$ 59.66
Financial Secretary.