Publication: The Muncie Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 21, no. 162, p. 3, col. 5
Latest Acquisition to Muncie
Lodge a Covington Gentleman.
One Who Was Most Enthusiastic For
This City's Representatives in a Big
Contest We Won.
When the Muncie Lodge of Elks drill corps, under the captaincy of Harry R. Wysor, was a candidate for first prize in the drill contest at the national meeting of the order in Cincinnati two and a half years ago, the most enthusiastic worker for the success of the locals, among the residents of the Queen City, was Daniel Hemingray, a brother of Robert and Ralph Hemingray of this city.
Daniel has been a resident in the immediate vicinity of Cincinnati all of his life, and no other person is more popular there than he. Since the location of the Hemingray glass factory here, he has made many visits to this city and has had a host of very warm friends in Muncle for several years. His brothers were members of the Muncie lodge, and this if for no other reason, made his friendship for the success of the Muncie candidates more than luke warm. Dan showed his colors for Muncie early in the contest, and from the personnel of the members of the Muncie drill corps, he was given more credit for the success than any other one person, Captain Wysor excepted. Since that time Muncie Elks have been anxious to make Dan one of the herd, he being a perfect subject, but rules and regulations in the order, combined with the desire of Covington and Cincinnati lodges to enlist his membership with them, made an obstacle that has taken time to overcome. Finally the proper dispensation was secured, and last night Daniel was made a full member of the Muncie herd with more than the customary amount of enthusiasm.
Due regards were allowed for his generosity on past occasions, and the fact that he was not a resident of the city, but the goal was permitted to travel on his customary fields for work. The program closed with an informal social session in honor of Mr. Hemingray.