Publication: The Muncie Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 21, no. 99, p. 4, col. 3
And Little Business Was
Transacted by the City Fathers.
Marsh Addition to be Opened — Work on
Washington Street to Commence
at Once — A Pitiful Case.
Messrs Youse, Clevenger, Crabbs, Kirby, Berger, Hanika, Budd, Haymond, Lewellen and Gray were the councilmen present at the regular meeting of that body last night.
The heat was excessive and most of the city dads worked in their coat sleeves. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock and several spectators were in attendance. The minutes of the last meeting were read and ordered placed on record.
A petition was read by Crabbs praying that the streets and alleys, where Ball Bros, glass factories are located, be opened. Referred to the committee on streets and alleys.
A gas well will be drilled immediately on the farm of Joseph Pittenger, near Royerton. to supply the city electric light plant with that fuel.
The Marsh addition located on the west side of the city will he opened as soon as possible.
Work on the grading of Washington street west from Cherry street to the abuttment of the proposed new bridge spanning White river at this point, will be begun at once.
The report of health officer Dr. Reid showed the total number of births for July was 21 males and 19 females — 40; total number of deaths 18 males and 13 females — 31.
An old man, his form bent with age and his hair a silvery gray, giving his name as Pugh, was present with a prayer that the council allow him the right to sell fruits and breadstuffs on the streets without a license. The old gentleman told a pitiful story of poverty, and as he presented his plea to the council tears coursed down his wrinkled checks. He stated that he was unable to do hard work. and said that his wife and family were at home hungry. The hearts of those who heard were touched and a generous collection was taken and presented to him, although the law prohibited the council to allow the old fellow the privilege he asked. The old gentleman resides at 428 East First street and his case should be investigated by the associated charities.
Council then adjourned after allowing the following bills:
Muncie Foundry Machine Co...........$ 50
Hemingray Glass Co......................... 41 75
John Mohler ..................................... 9 00
George Moore .................................. 50
S. A. White ....................................... 50
A. Mock............................................ 10 80
C. C. Moore...................................... 1 16
City Engineer’s report..................... 194 53
Wm. Berpher. Indianapolis............... 12 50
J. W. Hedrick ................................... 37 50
William James.................................. 6 37
Charles Seargeant............................. 3 00