Publication: The Muncie Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 21, no. 63, p. 5, col. 5
Hold Regular Session and Act on
Several Reports.
Treasurer Submits Figures for Month of
June — Vine Street to Be
The regular meeting of the city council was called to order promptly at 8 o'clock last evening. The following councilmen were present: Kirby, Gray, Haymond, Gill, Hanika, Berger, Budd, Clevenger. Anthony and Crabbs were absentees. The Macedonia storm water sewer committee were again granted more time in . . . [illegible text] . . . to make their long delayed report. Many alleys throughout the city will be cleaned and put in a sanitary condition. . . . [illegible text] . . . second addition will be taken into the city and work will be commenced immediately in grading the streets in this addition. The matter of repairing Willard street between Hackley and Grant streets, was referred to the city engineer. The city clerk was authorized to purchase a new design and supply of dog tags. The city treasurer's report for the month of June showed an expenditure of $46,301.08. This was ordered placed on the record.
Councilman Haymond read an interesting report concerning the expenditures of the city treasurer. Among other things he said, was that $2,745 were paid out monthly to the city officials as salaries. This sum is not as great as many are feign to think.
The report of the taxes collected from April 1 to July 1 of the police department showed a sum of little more than $660.
The following report of the electric light plant was read.
To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council of the City of Muncie, Ind.:
Gentlemen — The following constitutes my regular report for the quarter ending June 30, 1898:
The boilers are clean and in reasonably good condition, however, each one of them has a small leak in their first row of rivets, otherwise they are in perfect condition.
The old engine is still in need of repairs, but is our intention to make the necessary repairs about the 28th of this month. We are expecting to have good weather while these repairs are being made, as several days will be required to do the work right, and the moon should begin to give us light about the 28th. The dynamos are in very good condition.
We are taking advantage of every opportunity to place the lines constructed in perfect condition before another winter sets in.
The building is in very good condition, we have partitioned off one corner of the engine room to make a stock room, and have cut a door through the back part of the building to make it convenient to get through with a wheel-barrow, oil barrels, etc. The installing of the new equipment which has been ordered by the council, is almost completed. The new engine is in place and is ready for operation, also the new dynamo and switch-board. However we have a little line work which will necessarily have to be done before we can proceed to put up any new lights. This will be finished in a short time.
The plant was operated during the quarter 557 hours with three open circuits.
The total expenditures were $2,547.28, of this amount $7.05 is for the labor and $408.32 for supplies, carbons, repairs, etc. The balance, $1,433.94, was for new equipment. Respectively submitted,
The matter of allowing $800 for hose for the fire department to the Boston (Mass.) hose and rubber company, was referred to the finance committee and city attorney. The finance committee, which was appointed to report on the feasibility of being admitted in the National league of municipality, were granted more time to make a report. The bids for improving Vine street between the L. E. & W. and C. C. C. & St. L. railways, and Charles street, were referred to the city civil engineer city clerk with instructions to report at the next meeting. Bids were also open for the improvement of Sixth street, from Madison street to Monroe street.
E. S. Kessling.............................................$ 5 00
Charles Duffy................................................ 50
William Love................................................ 25
J. S. Moore & Co.......................................... 80
Central Union Tel. Co.................................. 80
Shuttleworth.............................................. 25 20
Will James................................................... 6 75
J. W. Bradbury............................................. 1 05
Western Electric Co....................................38 12
Wildman & McClung.................................. 9 10
Wash Humes...............................................13 00
Muncie Water Works..................................15 00
Bundy Planing Co.......................................19 35
William Burch............................................. 8 70
A. Mock.....................................................199 80
Alfred Moore...............................................16 38
J. H. Burton..................................................27 04
Powers & Foreman....................................... 2 00
Hemingray Glass Co...................................29 17
City Engineer's pay-roll.............................329 48
Muncie Transportation Co...........................26 00
Wysor & Hibbits..........................................11 12