Publication: The Muncie Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 21, no. 58, p. 5, col. 5
William Gill Passes That Many
Mile Posts and Celebrates.
Many Friends Given a Banquet in Walnut
Grove West of the City Better
Burgoo Never Served.
William Gill the popular manufacturer of glass pots residing on West Howard street past the half century mark in . . . [illegible text] . . . states for each year of his life yesterday . . . [illegible text] . . . of his many friends.
. . . [illegible text] . . . accomodating the company in the manner he desired at a banquet in the charming walnut grove on the Eber farm, west of the city on the river road, was secured and a burgoo was given. The usual viands served at a perfect burgoo were all at the service of the guests while the accommodations were perfect, and a delightful afternoon was enjoyed by the company.
The burgoo was made by that veteran manufacturer of such dishes, Pap Jenks, and for the 25 guests, ten squirrel, five spring chickens, five older chickens and twenty pounds of turtle meat was boiled with the vegetables and other articles used in the preparation.
Ten gallon of fresh milk and a small keg of cider was added to the list of refreshments, which were served informally all afternoon and evening and nightime, the guests had to declare their inability to capture the outlay, regardless of the well laid plans before the bombardment.
The time was spent in a social way, with Frank Gill, Homer Highlands, F. L. Wachtell and J. K. Ritter in charge of the amusements. The features of the afternoon were the feats of nailing Mr. Ritter to a tree (Beno fashion) and Mr. Highlands daring bicycle riding.
At the close of the program Senator Walter L. Ball made a short address expressing the thanks of the guests to Mr. Gill and three cheers and a tiger were given for the same gentleman. The company consisted of the following: Dr. H. M. Winans, C. L. Bender, J. Q. Walling, Isaac Humphries, Robert and Ralph Hemingray, Charles Boldt, E. O. Ward, J. C. Abbott, R. T. Winters, Phillip Busch, Chris Heckenhauer, James Boyce, Charles Kennedy, Eli Hoover, F. L. Wachtell, William Patterson, J. K. Ritter, Frank Gill, D. A. McLain, H. R. Wysor, W. L. Ball, Frank Reed, J. C. Gill, and John Lich.