Publication: The Muncie Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 21, no. 47, p. 8, col. 6
Many Society Folks Have a Most
Delightful Hop Last Night.
MIss Boyce Charmingly Entertains Twenty-
Five Couples, Dedicating Her Father's
New Building in Boyceton.
One of the most unique affairs that has taken place during the present social season in Muncie, was the "barn dance" given by Miss Edna Boyce last evening. About sixty young people assembled at eight o'clock at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. James Boyce on East Main street from where the trip was made to Mr. Boyce's new barn in North Boyceton. The trip was made in hay wagons and the journey was enlivened by merry songs and laughter.
Upon arriving at the barn the guests found the large ground floor cleared and waxed. Robbins Bros., orchestra was placed on a raised platform and furnished elegant music for the dancers who found the floor and the music all that could be desired. During the evening several colored boys furnished additional amusement for the guests, by giving some skillfully executed clog dancing and by scrambling for the pennies, nickles and dimes that were thrown to them by the company.
The affair was pronounced by all those present not only one of the most unique dances that had ever been given in Muncie but the most enjoyable. The fact that the dance was informal only added to the pleasure of the event and made all enjoy themselves the more.
Miss Boyce proved herself a most entertaining hostess and further demonstrated her ability in this art.
The chaperones for the dance were Mr. and Mrs. James Boyce and Judge and Mrs. J. V. H. Koons. William Holmes acted as general manager and looked after the welfare of the guests and was on the outlook for their comfort in every respect.
Those present were Misses Galligher of Michigan, Kingsberry of Lima, O., Edith Kirby, Carol Hemingray, Gertrude Duvall of Indianapolis, Fannie James, Hudie Smith, Agnes Howe, Eva Winchester, Mamie Johnson, Grace Johnson. Pearl Johnson of Ashtubula, Reba Koons, Clarisa Koons, Linnie Coffeen, Helen Hickman, Kathaleen Fay, Etta Thompson, Sarah Kirby, Kate Macy of Winchester, Maude Neely, Isabelle Preston, Loiuse Anthony, Mrs. L. Hobson of McMinville, Oregon, and Mr. and Mrs. Eliott Willson. Messrs Fred Georgia, A. S. Martin, Walter Brown, Blanchard Horne of Anderson, Earl Gold of Lawernceburg [sic] Lawrenceburg, Frank Garner, Harry Parsons, Frank Shirk, Albert Richey, Arthur Kelley, Earl Boyce, Robert Lytle, Ned James, Dr. Spickerman, Rob Williams, Harry Cates, Frank Gass, Robert Walker, John Sprowl, Mr. Means of Bloomington, Ill., Walter Howe, Ed Boyce, Al McMillen, Dr. Wallace, Carl O’Harra, Will Thompson and Carl Oesterle.