Publication: The Muncie Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 21, no. 12, p. 5, col. 4
Transacted at Trades Council Meeting
Last Night.
The regular meeting of the Muncie Trades Council occurred last night in the Union Labor Hall. Much business was before the council and was disposed of to the best advantage of organized labor. The credentials of M. Schesky of the Grocery Clerks' Union, were received and upon recommendation by the credential committee were given a seat. A communication was received from Pres. Perkins of the Indiana Federation of Labor, congratulating the council on the selection of John Dodd as state organizer of the A. F. of L. The carpenters presented a communication stating that L. A. Franklin had adjusted matters with the Carpenters union and was now on the fair list. The council endorsed the action and Franklin's hall is once more open for dances and all other entertainments that were given by organized labor before the boycott was placed.
John B. Shuman, the grocer on Kilgore avenue and all the milliners in the city, were granted Muncie Trades Council cards. The following were elected to their respective offices: President, John Dodd, of the Flint Glass workers, No. 23; vice president, L. A. Panris, of the Retail Clerks; recording secretary, Ed Bell, of the Journeymen Painters; financial secretary, George Derrick, of the Bakers; treasurer, Wm. Getz, of the G. B. B. A., No. 12; statistitian, G. P. Hayworth, of the Retail Clerks; sergeant at arms, John Lowe, of the Painters and Decorators.
The Barbers Union were instructed to bring definite action against the various non union shops at the next regular meeting of the council. The grocery clerks met their proprietors Wednesday night and compromised early closing matters by making it 7:30 p. m. from May 1st to Oct. 1st and 6 after that. The council adjourned at 10:15, after a very successful meeting.