Publication: The Muncie Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 312, p. 5, col. 5
Society Folk Turn Out At Spilker's
Hall and Assist Good Cause.
The Kindergarten benefit given by the Saturday afternoon euchre club ladies in the new Spilker hall, last night proved a great success in every particular, both as an entertainment and financially, for the purpose intended.
The invitations were most liberally responded to, there being twenty-five tables or fifty couples present, and each paid one dollar admission. The proceeds go to the Kindergarten school, there being no expenses, the hall being donated by Mr. Spilker for the occasion.
Punch and other refreshments were served during the evening by the Misses Clifford Bower, Louise Muddy and Hallie Wachtell. The prizes were won by the following guests: Most games, Mrs. Winder and Edward White; lone hands, Mrs. Goshorn and Mr. Eberley, Appropriate prizes were given and the evening was a charming one to all, while assisting a good cause. The committee in charge consisted of the following ladies: Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Little, Mrs. V. Bower, Mrs. Boldt, Mrs. Dickie and Mrs. Robert Hemingray.