Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 241, p. 1, col. 3
Mr. Neely's Horse Caused it on Main
Street Last Evening.
Two Ladies Have Close Call, But Escape
With Slight Injury After a Dump
on Asphalt.
What looked to be a most thrilling runaway accident occurred yesterday evening on East Main street, and two popular ladies made narrow escapes from very serious injuries.
Mrs. Thad A. Neely and Mrs. Robert Hemingray were enjoying a drive in Mr. Neely’s spider phaeton when the accident happened, and the trouble seems to have resulted from a combination of circumstances, that resulted principally from peculiar doings of a lot of excited men.
As the horse rounded the corner of Main and Walnut streets turning eastward he began to prance in a playful manner and increased his speed to a lively trot. Some excited persons ran from the sidewalks thinking the horse was running away, and their actions caused the animal to increase his speed from a trot to a lively run. The two ladies became alarmed as the buggy was striking the north curb along the street, and Mrs. Neely’s failure to check the horse caused Mrs. Hemingray to come to her assistance. She took one line, while Mrs. Neely was pulling on the other, and from the result it seems that Mrs. Hemingray, who occupied the north half of the seat pulled the heaviest on her line. This kept the animal close to the curb, and when some individual ran toward the rig waving his hat near Jefferson street, the horse was frightened nearer the club, and the north wheels of the vehicle mounted the sidewalk.
The first obstacle for the wheels to come in contact was one of the iron street car trolley poles nearly in front of the Cottage laundry. This suddenly stopped the rig, breaking one of the lamps, on the post while the shafts were also broken, releasing the horse, which ran a short distance away to his stable.
The ladies were precipitated to the pavement and in a short time fully two hundred people had assembled believing that one or both had been seriously if not fatally injured. The ladies were assisted to their home across the street. Dr. Cowing was called and after an exanimation announced that while both were severely braised, the injuries sustained were of minor importance Mrs. Neely struck her left shoulder on the pavement, slightly spraining it, while the right wrist of Mrs. Hemingray was sprained.
The horse is one of the best family drivers in the city, and neither Mrs. Neely or her husband believe he had any intentions of running off.