Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 238, p. 5, col. 4
Ladies and Gentlemen Take Charge At
Both Courts Last Night.
The Magic and Pastime bowling clubs met last night as usual on Tuesday evenings of each week, and the usual enjoyable time was had by both parties until a late hour.
The former club met at the East Main street alleys. white the younger club was "killing" the pins at the West Main street court, and some very creditable scores are shown in the appending records:
W. L. Little...............................81 100 160
Mrs. W. L. Little.......................64 61 53
Mr. C. M. Rich........................193 149 116
Mrs. C. M. Rich........................66 54 82
Mrs. O. P. Bannister..................70 58 54
J. E. Durham............................101 89 104
W. M. Patterson.......................148 120 128
Mrs. Patterson...........................71 57 71
Ralph Hemingray......................81 126 78
J. M. Kirby................................88 74 51
H. M. Winans..........................138 86 123
Mrs. H. M. Winans...................86 76 65
C. T. Dages...............................71 82 104
Mrs. C. T. Dages.......................68 68 105
O. P. Bannister...........................98 70 103
Mrs. F. R. Thrall........................93 54 65
Miss Hemingray........................54 58 56
Mrs. J. E. Durham.....................78 61 64
Mrs. Kirby.................................68 58 73
This club composes two teams and a series of games are being played to decide who will pay for a banquet which will soon be enjoyed by the club. Mrs. Little is captain of one team and Dr. Winans the other. Mrs. Little leads by 50 pins.
Mr. Neely................................97 141 97 93
Mr. Haffner............................. 87 92 101
C. Swain.................................79 68 82 106
Miss Rawlston........................46 49 21 44
O. Raymond............................97 117 102 84
Miss Gray................................36 57 42 55
Mrs. Haffner............................63 57 74 47
Mr. Ganter...............................62 137 161 112
Mrs. Thomas...........................63 60 57 82
C. Spilker................................83 54 64 93
Mrs. Spilker............................52 34 60 46
J. J. Hartley.............................74 77 99 80
Miss Heinsohn........................88 52 63 42
In comparing the scores it must be remembered that the alleys used by the Pastime club are four feet longer than those on East Main street.