Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 213, p. 8, col. 4
Miss Neely Gives a Chamring Party
Yesterday Afternoon.
Miss Maude Neely royally entertained a party of ladies at "progressive pedro" yesterday afternoon at two o'clock at her home on Main street, in honor of her guest, Miss. Thornton, of Romeo, Michigan. The stairway and mantels were elaborately decorated in holly, also the souvenirs and score cards. The prize was a handsomely embroidered doilie, in holly, made by Mrs. Berkey, of Grand Rapids, Mich., the grandmother of the hostess. Mrs. Walter Andrews secured the prize, for the most games. After spending two very happy hours at pedro, a delicious five o'clock tea was served. The guests were:
Mesdames C. Parker Sample, George V. Jennings, Herbert Maddy, C. W. Spilker, H. C. Kimbrough, J. R. Marsh, T. S. Neely, James Smith, A. L. Harriott, Dr. J. V. Bower, J. Edgar Johnson, Walter Andrews, and Armstead Klein.
The Misses: Fannie Turner, Florence McNaughton. Emily Olcott, Reba Rickey, Mae Health. Edith Kirby, Linda Merriman, Louise Anthony, Miss Wood of Franklin, Ind., Mayne Brotherton, Mae King, Helen Smith, Vida Cassady, Lewellyn Hemingray, Ema Kingsbury, Eva Winchester, Miriam Case, Bessie Ellis, Clara Koons, Katherine and Helen Daily, Ohle and Clara Gell, Linnie Coffeen, Ida Jacobs, Clifford Bowers, Bertha Smith, Nettie Gass, Grace Gayman and Grace Thorington of Romeo, Mich.