Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 213, p. 1, col. 3-4
Will Ring in Muncie in the Near
Ordinance Passed and Is Now a Law
Maple Grove Garden Case
Dismissed by the Council.
The first thing that the council did last night after being called to order was to go into executive session and adjourn to a private room. Upon their return, Mr. Zook explained that as Councilman Anthony was required to leave the city and wished to be excused at once, he would make a motion to take up the curfew ordinance and place it on its passage. The motion received a second and the matter was placed to vote, resulting in it becoming law. In the ballot cast, the vote stood 7 to 5 in favor of its passage. The curfew ordinance hung fire in the council for the past ten weeks, and for the reason that no satisfactory ordinance could be formulated. Mr. Gray, who has been the father of the new law, succeeded four weeks ago in securing a copy of the curfew law, at present in effect at Peru and Richmond. It seems to contain all the necessary requirements and to cover the ground. The ordinance is a good thing if it is properly enforced and will have a tendency to better the morals of the city. The curfew law is being passed all over the state, and Muncie is only one of a few where the ordinance is in effect. The law will go into effect at once, and the police will doubtless receive their instructions through the commissioners at the proper time.
The city treasurer submitted his monthly report, showing a final total of $2,693.95. It was received and ordered paid on record. The engineers semi-monthly report showed an expenditure of $193.95. It was ordered on record.
Superintendent Baldwin's report for December showed 47 arrests for the month. Secretary Ball of the police court reported that from October 1st to January 1st, $128.20 had been collected for state and $l,965 for city cases tried before the mayor. Report was received.
Mr. Crabbs asked the city attorney for a report on the Maple Grove case which had been tried in the circuit court and after that gentleman had explained in regard to the jury disagreeing and being discharged and that the case still remained on the dockett or trial, Mr. Crabbs in order to get the matter before the house, made a motion that the case be dismissed. Councilman Zook, who has championed the Committee of One Hundred in this matter, promptly took the floor and stated that he did not think it customary where a case had been tried in court and the jury was discharged because they could not agree, to have the case dismissed. If the case was dismissed the city would have the costs to pay and he could see no reason why this should be done. He spoke at length and urged the council to stand by the Moore law ordinance, good morals and temperance. The matter was put to a vote when he had concluded and resulted as follows: For dismissal, Berger, Budd, Crabbs, Clevenger, Haymond, Johnson and Kirby. Against dismissal, Gray, Mitchell, Meeker and Zook. The case was then ordered dismissed.
The Maple Grove beer garden case was a matter of much contention in the council for some weeks and was bitterly fought at several meetings by Mr. Zook of the council and attorney Gregory, who represented the saloon keepers in their fight. Mr. Zook’s success in finally getting this one case appealed from the mayor's court to the circuit court was a victory for the One Hundred committee, but after a fair trial, at the end of which the jury stood equally divided, the majority of the council, last night, came to the conclusion that the people seemed equally divided and it was not policy to take the risk of running the city further in debt in pushing the matter. This decision, without doubt, will settle the case and it is not expected that any further action will be taken.
G W. Shepp, chief of the fire department, submitted his fifth annual report in detail. The report was very concise and showed that much time and care was devoted to keeping a record of everything that pretains [sic] pertains to the department. The report was received and concurred in. The chief and his assistants were also complimented by the council. In the report the chief recommended the council that they build two new hose houses, one at the intersection of Grant and Kirby avenues, and a second at the corner of Perkins and Ohmer avenues in Avondale, to be known as hose houses, Nos. 3 and 4, each house to contain a horse hose wagon and two men. He further asked that the hook and ladder truck now in service at No 2 station be converted into a hose wagon, as it is unfit for service and unsafe to use, and that the council purchase a 66 foot extension hook and ladder truck, which be placed in station No. 1. These recommendations were referred to the fire committee for consideration.
The losses and insurance for the year according the chief's figures are as follows:
January — Number of fires, 13; loss, $3,780; insurance, $15,150.
February — Number of fires, 5; loss $5 90; insurance, $5,000.
March — Number of fires, 5; loss, $4.10; insurance, $72,500.
April — Number of fires, 8; loss, $5,775; insurance, $75,500.
May — Number of fires, 12; loss, $20,375; Insurance, $67,005.
June — Number of fires, 7; loss, $1,245; insurance, $400.
July — Number of fires, 12; loss. $2,505; insurance, $18,500.
August — Number of fires, 6; loss. $125; insurance, $3,500.
September — Number of fires, 13; loss. $11,380; insurance, $11,300.
October — Number of fires, 9; loss. $1,775; insurance, $20,800.
November — Number of fires, 17; loss. $8,385; insurance, $143,200.
December — Number of fires, 6; loss. $——; insurance, $3,100.
Total — Number of fires, 113; loss, $60,765; insurance, $414,555.
The city's bill against the Big Four for the services of the fire department at Farmland has been returned by the company who refuse to acknowledge the same, stating the department went there at the call of the Farmland citizens. The bill sent to the railway company was for $135 and after this had been modified to $100, the clerk was instructed to render the same to a Mr. Wilson at Farmland.
After allowing the following bills the council adjourned:
Police Commissioners.....................$90.00
Central Union Telephone Co............ 11.25
Water Works Co............................... 15.00
The Times.......................................... 3.00
Hemingray Glass Co........................ 15.38
Western Union Telegraph Co............. 1.25
C. H. Green......................................... .40
Heat, Light & Power Co.....................7.50
Police headquarters........................... 7.50
Commissioners of market places...... 9.00
Central Union Telephone Co............19.00
City Clerks office.............................. 7.88
Commissioners of public buildings... 9.00
J. W. Hedrick....................................37.50
Commissioners on streets.................50.25
F. A Elrod............................................4.80
W. G. Harper.....................................16.25
Transfer Co,......................................30.00
Engineer pay roll..............................23.50
A. Wright ...........................................1.50
Commissioners on street paving....... 9.00
" " " fire department..... 18.00
J. W. Perkins...................................... 2.00
Engineers pay roll.............................33.35
Commissioners on library.................18.00
Election Commissioners...................13.50
Ordinance " ........................18.00
Cemetery " .........................27.00
Garbage " ...........................18.00
Water works " .....................18.00
Railway " ............................18.00
Judiciary " ..........................18.00
Sewers " .............................13.50
Lon Fletcher........................................1.50
J. W. Humes......................................13.00
H. A. Shumack....................................8.05