Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 212
In Muncie Society Circles at Close of
Holiday Week Yesterday.
"Open Houses" Well Patronized and New
Years Day Appropriately Observed by
the set — The Events.
More than twenty callers were at the Johnson home, corner of Washington and Elm streets yesterday afternoon, from 3 to 6, showing respects to the following hostesses: Mrs. J. E. Johnson, Misses Edith Kirby, Florence McNaughton, Carrol Hemingray, Louisa Anthony, Emily Olcott, [spell:Llewelyan;Llewellyn Hemingray, Fannie Turner, Bessie Ellis, Clarissa Koons, Maude Neely, Ohle and Clara Gill, Miss Thornington of Washington. The gentleman callers were received at the front door and ushered through the handsomely decorated parlors, and library. The decorations were pink, red and green. Coffee was served in the library, and the punch bowl occupied a place in the bay window. The young ladies were handsomely gowned for the occasion. At 6 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Johnson chaperoned the young ladies to the Kirby hotel where an elegant dinner was in waiting, having been prepared at the request of Mr. Johnson.