Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 204, p. 8, col. 4
Christmas comes with to-morrow, and Muncie manufacturers to the man will see that their employes make a holiday of the occasion, as the factories and mills unitedly will observe the day by not workiug, and the army of employes will have the day to devote to their families. Coming on Saturday, as it does, there will be two days of rest for the laboring men, and the vacation is much deserved by many of them.
Yesterday a News reporter called on a majority of the manufacturers to ascertain how much of the holiday season would be observed by them, and the results obtained are given below:
The Whitely Malleable Castings Company is one of the busiest places in the city, and every possible moment’s time is being consumed there to keep pace with the orders, and the company is far in the arrears. As a result the men will have only Christmas day, the factory closiug down this evening until Monday.
This is not the busiest season of the year with Ball Bros., but the firm is desirous of losing no more time than they think proper. The hundreds of people employed in their factories will have both Christmas and New Years day off duty.
The employee of the Pulp mill have been informed that the big mill would close down this evening until midnight Sunday, only. This is another one of our busiest industries.
The same condition as at the Pulp mill, exists at the Indiana iron works, and the army of sturdy men there will only have Christmas day off duty.
Port's glass works closed down last evening until Monday of next week, thereby giving the men two days' vacation.
The Consumers' paper mill will close down this evening and the employes will have one week's vacation while pairs are being made. At the Silverware factory there will be ten days’ vacation after today, as it will require that time to make needed repairs.
The Muncie Iron & Steel works is another of those big iron mills that prosperity has struck, and it is hard work to close down at all, but the desires of the happy men who work there must be respected, and there will be a Christmas day vacation, the mill closing down today.
At 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon the whistle at the Indiana bridge works "tooted," and the men left the mill until Monday of next week. Business is rather slack, and the company is experiencing some trouble in securing iron to fill orders.
The J. H. Smith & Company’s bentwood works is rushed to death with orders, and it was hard work for the firm to decide to lose even one day 's work, but the factory will be idle Saturday. The J. C. Wood & Company's saw mill, Bandy planing mill, Muncie underwear factory, Boyce handle works, Muncie wheel works and the Muncie casket factory will all be closed Christmas day, as will the Architectural iron works, Hemingray glass works, Hollow ware works, Muncie sereal works, Muncie foundry and machine works, and the three washing machine factories.
The Midland Steel company finds it necessary to make some extensive improvements, and will take the coming week’s time to do the work. As a result the mill will close down tonight until Monday, January 8.
Other factories and workshops will observe the day generally, and many of the stores will be closed, at least during the afternoon, but the clerks have agreed to work all of the day if the merchant requires it, as the agreement was made when they were permitted to make a holiday of last Labor day. It will be impossible for some of the stores to close but the day will be observed as generally as ever in the Magic City.