Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 145, p. 8, col. 2
Miss Cliff Bower was the charming hostess to a small company of friends last evening at her home, corner of Washington and Elm streets. It was a progressive pedro party in which the following guests tool guests took part: Misses Emily Olcott, Edith Kirby, Maude Neely, Jessie Kirk, Lewellen [sic] Llewellyn Hemingray, Emma Kingsberry, Louise Anthony, Clarissa Koons, Vida Cassady, Cora Emerson, Helen Smith and the Misses Gill. Messrs. Carl O'Harra, Elliott Wilson, Harry Parsons, Harry Paris, Ray Hickock, Dan Young, Frank Gass, Robert Williams, Albert Richey, Vol Bower, Robert Walker and Will Myers. The party was in honor of Miss Lottie Carter, a charming young lady of Delaware, O., who is the guest of Miss Bower. Elegant refreshments were served.