Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 132, p. 8, col. 2
Of the Trades Council Developes Some
Interesting Features.
The Muncie Trades Council met in regular session last night at Union Labor hall.
The credential of F. A. Jennans of the Midland Lodge, A. A. of I. and S. W., was received and was given a seat. Bro. Keenan of the Ohio state league was present at the meeting and succeeded in getting the council's endorsement to a new brand of union made tobacco known as the "tiger stripe" brand. The Greiveance committee's report showed that they were making good headway and that unionism is gradually gaining ground in the city of Muncie. It was decided to move into a new hall. The one selected by the committee in the old K. of P. hall in the Patterson block, and is to be fitted up in good style by the Trades Council. G. A. Whitcomb, the furniture man, and W. J. Thompson were granted M. T. C. cards, providing agreement is signed.
Delegates Al Evans, Geo. Derrick and Dan Taylor were elected by the council to represent them at the State Federation of Labor to be held at Marion Oct. 12 to 14. Delegate Pritchard of the Green Glass Pressers' League was elected as vice president to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Lon Van Camp. Several speeches were made by the different members of the council in behalf of unionism after which the meeting adjourned to meet in two weeks.