John Dodd biography includes photograph


Publication: The Morning News

Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 111, p. 4, col. 4




Is a native of Kentucky, born at Cov­ington, June 27, 1847. He has represented No. 23, A. F. G. W. U., in the Trades Council for two years. His ability was soon recognized in that body, he being elected treasurer and afterward promoting him to the presidency, which position he now holds with credit to himself and the Council. Mr. Dodd says: "Never before in the history of our country have the plain, honest, practical people, the backbone of the nation—taken so much interest in the question of organized labor. The true, earnest citizen is not content to he a mere echo for his party leader, but is thinking for himself and acting in a manner that often bewilders and alarms the professional politician. We believe that no other single question presents an equal array for consideration."


Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Roger Lucas / Bob Stahr
Date completed:December 19, 2023 by: Bob Stahr;