Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 110, p. 1, col. 3-4
Time For the Greatest of All Labor Day
Celebrations All But Here.
Muncie Ready For the Hosts Except That
the Flags and Bunting Is Not Yet
Floating — Get Them Out.
The dawn of Labor dav is on us, with the strongest possible indications that the greatest tribute that has ever been paid the laboring men’s natal day in Indiana, will occur in Muncie tomorrow.
The final meeting of the general committee has been held, and the general windup preparatory to the celebration exercises proper, will occur this afternoon at a meeting of Grand Marshal Toban and his aids and the marshals of the various locals, at the National hotel, this house having been selected as the general headquarters. This meeting will occur at 1:30 o'clock.
Grand Marshal Toban has information from the neighboring cities to the effect that each will furnish their proportion of people, and one or more brass bands of music, and he has no reason to lower his estimate here to participate in the program.
After the parade there will be the public speaking at public square, and then the program will occur at the fair ground, free to all.
During the afternoon the business meeting of the convention will occur, new officers being selected, and the place of the next meeting decided on.
The parade will be the feature of the celebration, and it will move as soon as the delegations arrive, possibly starting at 11 o’clock, but as much sooner as possible.
The order of marching of the Muncie division is given as follows:
Fire Department in charge Chief Shepp
City Council
Benevolent orders
Unorganized workmen
White Star Lodge A. A. of I. S. and T. W. No. 26
Midland lodge A. A. of I. S. and T. W. No. 23
Unity lodge A. A. of I. S. and T. W. No. 7
Muncie lodge A. A. of I. S. and T. W. No. 20
Green glass pressers local No. 1
Green bottle blowers branch No. 12
Flint glass blowers local No. 81
Flint glass blowers local No. 23
Window glass workers
Retail clerks union No. 66
Bakers and confectioners union No. 130
Journeymen Barbers union No. 28
Cigar makers international union No. 308
Bricklayers international union No. 9
Carpenters and joiners No. 592
Iron moulders union No. 117
Nut and bolt makers union
Brotherhood painter and decorators union No. 65
The Muncie division will line up on Seymour street east of Mulberry, right resting on Mulberry street. The line of the parade will be north on Walnut, from Seymour to Main, east on Main to Vine, north on Vine to Washington, west on Washington to High, thence south.
Building Laborer's association, No. 3.
Journeymen's Tailors' union, No. 232.
Typographical union, No. 332.
Laundry Workers' association, No. 6915.
Horse Shoers' union.
Drillers' and Too Drivers' association, No. 6951.
Stage employes' union.
Butchers' and Meat Cutters' union, No. 20.
The Street Railway Employes' division No. 81.
And Bartenders' league, No 91,
Are not assigned to a place, they being unable to turn out.
Any local not as yet given a place should report at once.
At the fair ground it is expected that the racing program and other exercises will begin promptly at 1:30 o'clock and the following list of entries are proof of the excellence of the entertainment.
In the free for all pacing race, the following horses are entered: Connor, Sir Edward Arnold, Chesla, Red Star, and two others whose names cannot be secured until tomorrow. Each horse can go a mile in 2:10 or better, two of them being in the world's record race made here at the fair by Pearl C.
In the mile running race the following jumpers are listed, with at least two others to come: May Jaxson, Sport Hunt, Daisy Hunt, Little Bess, Dan Hunt and Nellie B.
The entries for the bicycle races are as follows:
One mile, for boys — James Davis, Indianapolis; U. Hurrle, Dunkirk; R. Lander, Indianapolis; O. Flowers, Yorktown; Rob Scott, Muncie.
One-forth mile, flying start — S. Lamar, Eaton; U. Hurrle, Dunkirk, and D. Galliher, F. Snell and J. R. Jones, Muncie.
One mile open, amateur — S. Lamar, Eaton; F. Snell, J. K. Jones, Muncie; James Davis, Indianapolis.
One mile, professional — J. Heim, A. M. Craig, and Tom David, all of Indianapolis; Eddie McKeon, Cincinnati; Ben Lukens, Anderson and Earl Burkhart, Marion.