Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 108, p. 8, col. 3
Secured by the Miners Relief Fund
Committee Yesterday.
One Hundred and Twenty-Six Dollars was
Added to the Fund and Still the
Good work Goes on.
The Miners Relief Fund Committee held a meeting at the Commercial Club rooms last night and the four members present made reports on the work done during the day. In spite of the fact that less than one half of the committee reported the amount collected amounted to a handsome sum and will go far towards relieving the wants of the suffering families, among whom it will be distributed.
No business was transacted at the meeting other than to set the next meeting for Saturday evening at 8 o’clock, at which time it is to be hoped that every member of the committee will be present and report.
The teachers in attendance at the Institute, now in session at the courthouse, have been approached on the subject of giving towards the fund and at the request of Mayor Cromer, Nat Ringo will today give a graphic description of the miner's condition, before the Institute and if any action is taken in favor of this worthy cause, a collection will be taken.
Those who generally gave towards relieving the miners yesterday were:
Gregory, Silverburg & Lotz.................$15 00
Meeks Bros........................................... 20 00
Muncie Wheel Works........................... 10 00
Ball Bros............................................... 10 00
A. L. Johnson........................................ 10 00
J. A. Goddard........................................ 10 00
R. M. Ball............................................... 5 00
Fred Heath.............................................. 5 00
Hemingray Glass Co.............................. 5 00
C. H. Over.............................................. 5 00
Peter Murphy.......................................... 5 00
Gill Bros................................................. 5 00
J. Heinsohn............................................. 5 00
W. L. Little.............................................. 5 00
Charles Willard....................................... 5 00
J. M. Maring........................................... 5 00
Charles Winters...................................... 1 00
Total...................................................$ 125 00
The above sum was turned over to Mayor Cromer and will be sent to the relief committee at Indianapolis this morning. This with the sum already sent in, swells the amount to $361, and by the first part of next week the committee expect to enlarge the fund to 800 or 1,000 dollars. It is the express wish of the committee to have every member present at the Saturday evening meeting.