Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 107, p. 5, col. 4
Last evening at her home on Riverside, Miss Sue Smith entertained a number of guests in honor of her guest, Miss Blanche Hoover of Dayton, O. Miss Smith was assisted in entertaining by her sister, Miss Smith, and Miss Marie Smith, and Miss Willard helped look after the welfare of the guests. The evening was spent in playing cards and dancing. Miss Edna Boyce and Robert Hemingray were the fortunate persons to secure the prize at Pedro, after they had played off a number of the games with Miss Clifford Bower and Karl Oesterle. The prizes were neck ties, which the winners immediately proceeded to adjust about their collars. Miss Fannie Turner and Floyd Kimbrough won the booby prize after an exciting contest with Ernest Hustmyer and Ethelyn Dowell. Light refreshments were served and altogether a most delightful evening was spent. The following guests were present: Miss Florene McNaughton, Clifford Bower, Fanny Turner, Agnes Howe, Elizabeth Chipman, Kate Fay, Reba Koons, Sarah Kirby, Edna Boyce, Erna Eiler, Ethelyn Dowell, Inez. Koerner, Isabel Preston and Blanche Hoover. Messrs. Walter Brown, Robin Hemingray, Houston Lillard, Walter Howe, Alfred Davis, John McNaughton, L M. Ganter, Delbert Galliher, Earl Boyce, Ernest Hustmyer, Lloyd Kimbrough, Hasty Kimbrough, Mr. Conger, Karl Oesterle, Roscoe Koerner and Will Thompson.