Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 83, p. 5, col. 2
Progressive Peanut Party.
Miss Clifford Bower was a charming hostess to fifty young ladies, yesterday afternoon, at a progressive peanut party. Miss Fawn Bower, of Lima, O., was the guest of honor.
Miss Bower was assisted in entertaining her guests by her sister, Mrs. Wm. Patterson.
The ladies all looked very beautiful in their organdies and flower hats, and the house was handsomely decorated with roses and carnations.
A dainty lunch was served.
Miss Grace Johnson won the most games and received a handsome gold peanut spoon. Misses Lewyellan [sic] Llewellyn Hemingray, Emma Kingsbury and Miss Johnson each won thirteen out of fourteen games and five minutes play was given to decide the tie.
Those present were: The Misses Florence McNaughton, Ethlyn Dowell, Edith Kirby, Kathrine Bray, Edna Boyce, Helen Hickman, Winifred Smith, Mae Heath, Sara Heinsohn, Jessie Kirk, Linda Merriman, Edith Love, Grace Johnson, Emma Kingsbury, Bertha Smith, Rhue Dungan, Sue Smith, Reba Koons, Winifred Brady, Hallie Wachtell, Louise Maddy, Grace Keiser, Tella Jacobs, Abbie Keuchmann, Veda Cassady, Helen Smith, Isabel Preston, Mayme Brotherton, Sara Kirby, Linnie Coffeen, May King, Fannie Turner, Daisy Wood, Ohla Gill, Clara Gill, Lewyellan [sic] Llewellyn Hemingray, Carroll Hemingray, Louise Anthony, Edna Streeter, Erne Eiler, Josephine Gray, Fawn Bower of Lima, O., Miss Mitchell, Lima, O., Cerene Ohr, Indianapolis, Eva McConnel, Crawfordsville, Miss Hunt, New York City and Mesdames, Armistid Klein, Walter Andrews, Herbert Maddy and Robert Sheffield.