Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 72, p. 8, col. 3
Invaded by the Society Folk on Wheels
Last Evening.
Boys are Admirably Located on the
Reese Farm Getting Fat On the
Cream of the Farm.
Delaware Camp situated on the north bank of White River five miles east of the city on the Reese farm, was invaded by the elite of Muncie society last evening, and for three hours the place was as gay as a midwinter society ball room.
It was the occasion of the visit of a large party of well known young people to the summer home of the members of the Delaware club, boys and the visitors were made doubly happy by the cheerful manner they were received by the popular young men who chose a blanket under a tent on mother earth, to the cozy sleeping apartment at home, for this season of the year, and all other appliances that go with a well regulated camp, to the luxuries of home.
For this occasion the young men had not doned dress suits and patent leather shoes, but they had put a few extra touches on the camp in honor of the visitors, who had come to add good cheer to the dullness that even invades such an exciting life as this, in these days. The camp was made beautiful with a hundred Japanese lanterns, while a monster log fire added to the brilliancy of the stary [sic] starry heavens above. The visitors were received at the pearly white gates with the open arms of Jay Lee Turner, Walter Brown, Tom Ryan, Bob Williams, Ray Hickok, John McNaughton and other members of the camp, and from that time on were treated in a most appropriate manner until the departure.
During the evening ice cream and cake were served as refreshments to all, by Harry Fleming, the head cook, and the quarters in the several tents were closely inspected, the young ladies looking in wonderment how chambermaid Jay Turner could have learned his work so perfectly in any college, and they were equally anxious to know how the cook can manufacture edibles that keep the club boys looking so well, on a piece of sheet iron laying over a hole in the ground, in which there is a fire.
The camp is most admirably located on a high bank in a cluster of trees, and there is deep water in the river at the place, filled with enough fish to make casting the line interesting. The boys have other paraphernalia with which to entertain themselves in admirable style, and no visitor goes home with anything but a burden of regret at the necessary departure. The camp has been in operation two weeks, and will continue to exist until snow flies drive away the mosquitoes.
The visitors last night were Mesdames Will M. Patterson, G. M. Bard, C. M. Turner, A. J. Williams, Walter Andrews and R. T. Winters. Misses Clara Gill, Sarah Kirby, Fannie Bower, Cerene Ohr, of Indianapolis, Winifred Smith, Lois Hobson, Carl [sic] Carroll Hemingray, Louis Anthony, Edith Kirby, Lewellen [sic] Llewellyn Hemingray, Edna Boyce, Bessie Williams, Pearl Johnson, Ashtabula, O.; Florence M. Hunt, New York; Mae King, Isabelle Preston, Florence McNaughton, Bessie Ellis, and Messrs. Frank Gass, Edward Dark, Robert Sheffield, F. R. Thrall, G. M. Bard, L. B Milligan, A. S. Richey, Fred Swain, C. B. Kiser, Robert Walker, Delbert Galliher, Harsons, J. Carl O’Heara, Ben Glasscock, Arthur Cassady, E. D. Hunter, Robert Hemingray, W. Andrews, Fred Preston, Thad Hillard, Paris, Ill. Nearly all of the quests made a cycle party from the city and had a most delightful ride, being placed by a tandem in charge of Mr. Walker.
The Delaware club has elaborate quarters in the Johnson block and is prospering with the following officers and members: President, William Myers; secretary, Thomas Ryan; J. E. Johnson, J. W. Brown, R. G. Hickok, John, Will and Walter McNaughton, Herbert West, Samuel Wilkinson, Elliott Willson, Ralph Zint, Ed Wildermuth, Robert Williams, J. Lee Turner, John Sprowl, Earl Boyce, George Bailey, Dan Young, Walter Baker, M. Maring, Walter Ryan, Victor Silverburg, K. C. Thompson and Charles Kirk.