Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 72, p. 5, col. 6
Given by Mrs. W. M. Patterson in Honor
of Her Guest.
Probably the most elaborate affair of its kind, the ever popular porch party, that has been given this season, was given by Mrs. W. M. Patterson at her home, 220 East Adams street, yesterday morning in honor of Miss Clifford Bower, of Lima, Ohio. The group of twenty-five young ladies in summer dress possessed a charm peculiar to itself which, with the surroundings, made an attractive scene for the photographer, who took the group. Refreshments whose daintiness were equalled [sic] equaled only by their elegance were served in courses. Needlework afforded a pleasant diversion from the usual order of a reception. The young ladies comprising the group were: Misses Isabelle Preston, Cerene Ohr, of Indianapolis, Cliff Bower, Fann Bower, of Lima, Ohio, Pearl Johnson of Ashtabula, Ohio, Bessie Williams, Erna Eiler, Bertha Smith, Freda Smith, Carol Hemingray, Florence McNaughton, Lewellen [sic] Llewellyn Hemingray, Hattie Wachtell, Louise Maddy, Louise Anthony, Clara Koons, Reba Richey, Edna Boyce, Reba Koons, Edith Kirby, Sarah Kirby, Helen Hickman and Ethelyn Darrell.