Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 69, p. 5, col. 3
Were the Members of Common Council
Last Night.
Councilman Gray Presided in Absence of
Mayor Cromer — Petitions, Reports and
Other Business Transacted.
Every member of the city council was present at last night's meeting and in the absence of Mayor Cromer, Councilman Gray was appointed to act pro tem. He called the meeting to order and after the reading of the journal, a remonstrance, with six signers, was read requesting the council to take the necessary steps to stop the contemplated improvements to be made in different alleys between Adams, Liberty and Cherry streets. It was referred to the street and alley committee. A petition for the building of a sidewalk on the west side of Madison street between Main and Washington streets was granted.
A communication from Dr. W. J. Boyden, informed the council that he wished to submit his name as a candidate for the office of city health officer. He claimed that he had been a resident of Muncie for 42 years and had practiced medicine since 1872; that he was qualified for the position. A letter from Dr. W. H. Egbert stated that he was also a candidate for the office. The communications were ordered placed on file but later in the meeting the same matter was again brought up and on motion of Zook the election of a new health officer to fill the position now held by Dr. Reid was deferred until next March, at which time the new council may take such action as they see it.
At a previous meeting it will be remembered that the fire committee recommended the buying of 1,000 feet of Boston wove hose to supply the different departments, and that on the motion of councilman Johnson the matter was laid over until an investigation could be made. At last night's meeting Chief Shepp submitted a report, giving the exact number of feet of hose that was in serviceable condition and asked the 1,800 feet more be purchased at once. The report was received and ordered spread on record, and later in the meeting the subject was generally discussed. Zook moved that the fire alarm committee be instructed to purchase 1,000 feet of hose and use their own judgement in selecting the kind they wanted. To this Johnson objected and thought that in the face of the fact that the additional hose was not an actual necessity and as the city was already under heavy expense, he did not think it advisable to contract any unnecessary debt. Councilman Berger replied to this in a most emphatic manner, strongly favoring the purchasing of the hose. He thought that it would be better to curtail other expenses than to be without competent protection and material with which to fight fire, even in an emergency case. His talk was followed by a motion made by Crabbs for the purchase of 500 feet, it was seconded by Johnson but lost in the vote that followed. The original motion made by Zook was then carried.
The street and alley committee reported that the portion of Seventh street between Madison and Monroe street should be improved and the report was concurred in by the council.
The report of the Superintendent of the electric light station was submitted and ordered placed an file. It showed that at the present time there are 147 lamps burning, and that it would tax the engines beyond their capacity, to burn any more. His report also stated that considerable improvements were needed on the wires, that the shade trees in different parts of the city should be trimmed to prevent the limbs and foliage from coming in contact with, and grounding the wires. There was considerable discussion on the matter of cutting the shade trees, but it was finally decided to refer it to the electric light committee, with power to act.
In the report of the city commissioners on the opening of Vine street from Second to Willard streets, the matter was referred to the street and alley committee with instructions for them to bring in a resolution to abandon the opening of the street.
The city engineer submitted his report which was accepted and placed on file. In the report lie gave figures amounting to $2,200, which he said should be expended in gas supply repairs.
A resolution for improving Kinney street in Kirby's sixth addition was carried.
A petition signed by Harriet W. Kitts and Rose B. Stewart, who represent the Federated Club of clubs. asked that the council set aside 2 mills on every dollar of taxable property to be used in the maintenance of the public library. The matter was ordered placed on file.
After allowing the following bills the council adjourned:
Bert Morris .................................$ 2 75
Wysor & Hibbitts........................ 12 24
Gilbert & Love............................ 12 24
J. S. Moore & Co........................ 15 50
Thomas Pugh................................ 5 25
Charles Wright.............................. 3 00
F. H. Barton................................. 11 85
Charles Emerson......................... 40 00
J. W. Hedrick.............................. 37 00
Police Commissioners................ 75 00
Hemingray Glass Co.................. 22 25
Power & Froman ......................... 4 97
Chicago Fire Proof Rubber Co.... 5 00
Mock & Baker............................ 20 25
L. J. Jones .................................... 2 75
Street Commission....................146 50
Street cleaning............................ 32 75
Engineer..................................... 12 00