Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 66, p. 8, col. 3
Delightfully Entertained By Miss
Elizabeth Williams Last Night.
The Fine Day Cycle club and a number of invited guests were pleasantly entertained last evening at the home of Miss Elizabeth Williams, on East Adams street. At 7:30 o'clock the party started for a three mile run on the Centennial pike and at 9 o'clock returned to the home of the hostess, where the lawn had been brilliantly illuminated and adorned with beautiful rugs and numerous hammocks. The house had been handsomely decorated with flowers and presented a charming appearance.
Dancing and other amusements were indulged in and a delightful lunch was served. The guests lingered until a late hour and departed assuring their charming young hostess that they were debtors for a decidedly pleasant evening. Those present were Messrs. and Mesdames F. C. Ball, T. K. Heinsohn, A. J. Williams, William Patterson, Walter Andrews and Mesdames George Ball and Hattie Johnson. Misses Charlotte Bishop, Reba Richey, Mae Heath, Katherine Brady, Anna Goddard, Grace Keiser, Edna Streeter, Bessie Ellis, Lydia Hathaway, Winifred Brady, Hattie, Sara, and Caroline McCulloch, Carrol Hemingray, Linda Merriman, Mayne Brotherton, Fannie Shipley, Ida Jacobs, Pearl Johnson of Ashtabula, McDowell, Emma Wilcoxon, Nadine Wilson, Sara Kirby, Agnes Howe, Sara Heinsohn, and Messrs. A. W. Brady, Rev. Oxtoby, W. Goddard, Uhl of Indianapolis, J. O. Adams, W. P. Stevens, C. Keiser, J. M. Maring, W. Myers, Richardson, Robert Walker, Walter Howe, Carl Oesterle and Hustmeyer.