Kindergarten benefit; Hemingray Glass Co. listed among donations


Publication: The Morning News

Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 45, p. 5, col. 1-2


And the Kindergarten Has Over

$1,200 In the Bank

Mrs. Hart Makes a Detailed Report

and Submits It With An

Interesting Communication

The grand finale to the Kindergarten benefit entertainment came yesterday with the report of the receipts and expenditures made by Mrs. T. F. Hart, chairman of the committee to the treasurer of the Kindergarten School Association. The report and communication from Mrs. Hart is as follows:

To the Citizens of Muncie:

It is with a grateful heart to the citizens of Muncie, that I present to them the following report:

Gratitude for the generous response they made my appeal in behalf of the little ones; for the hardy support and encouragement given me to consummate the plans which I outlined to raise money for the Free Kindergarten School. I had hoped in the beginning to interest a few other people in this cause, but the great number of persons who participated in the parade and patronized this entertainment, far exceeded my most sanguine expectations.

I wish to thank Messrs. Kirk and Wachtell for their efforts which made the bicycle parade the success it was; the Citizens Street Railway Co., for their illuminated car, which was pronounced by all “a thing of beauty;” to all who participated in the bicycle parade, especially the ladies, who added greatly to its attractiveness.

The Citizens parade was pronounced by all to be a success, both in regard to the great number in line, and the excellent order maintained by the marshals and officers of the different divisions. I extend my heartiest thanks to all benevolent and charitable orders, to the Indiana and Kirk's bands, to the merchants and manufacturers for their fine displays, and to all citizens for their presence on this occasion. To the ladies and gentlemen who worked so in­dustriously for the success of the entertainment at the park; to Geo. F. McCulloch for his very liberal and generous treatment, to those persons who made donations, to the executive committee for their efficient work, and last but not least, the Muncie press, do I owe my most sincere thanks. The Times, Herald and News greatly assisted us by their many articles, and by keeping the cause so constantly before the public. May their subscribers be as numerous as the "Sands of the Sea."

The kindergarten benefit is a thing of the past, but the good results arising from it will cover many years. Could we look adown the avenues of time and see the many homes benefitted, the many little hearts made nobler and better, the harvest of noble men and women resulting from this benefit, and it were indeed but a little thing, this week of work required to raise this money! Could we but look into the underground scenery of hidden hearts and see the wonderful developments and growth of the good seed sewn in youthful hearts, and know as the years progress these little ones will "arise and call us blessed," we would be repaid an hundred fold for all we have done.

Were it possible to train the youth of our country in the right channel during the first tender years of their life, the prisons and alms houses would be but unhappy memories. Houses of correc­tion and prostitution would fade away into the shadowy past. Parents them­selves are not fully awakened to the great importance of early training, nor of the awful responsibility of making good impressions on their children's hearts, before the "evil days come nigh," but all educators are awakened to the fact, that the good results in after years are due to the early impressions, which are the most important.

It is with great pleasure, that I am able, through the generosity of our citizens, to hand over to the treasurer of the Free Kindergarten Association, the grand total of $1,154.23, with an itemized list of receipts and expenditures attached.

May we all be able to see the great good resulting from this money. Every citizen who contributed in any way can have the happy assurance that they have been instrumental in raising to a higher standard the morality of our town.

"Cast thy bread upon the waters, and thou shalt find it after many days."

                                                                                         Gratefully yours,

                                                                                                   Mrs. T. F. Hart,




Miss Kate Garst, 1st Ward, sale tickets..........$ 43 85

Mrs. George Lenon, 2nd Ward, sale tickets..... 61 35

Mrs. Kingsbury, 3rd Ward, sale tickets.............16 75

Mrs. Hageman, 4th Ward, sale tickets...............23 55

Mrs. McFadden, 5th Ward, sale tickets.............. 4 70

Mrs. Chas. Galliher, 6th Ward, sale tickets........ 5 10

Miss McClellan, Riverside, sale tickets........... 21 20

Mrs. Gregory, donations and sale tick­ets......... 19 70

Mesdames Morgan and Hart, donations

and sale tickets................................................203 00

T. F. Hart, 5th Ward, sale of tickets at park......29 60

A. L. Johnson, sale of tickets at park............... 36 15

Mr. Cobb, sale of tickets at park...................... 40 45

Clint, Mitchel, ticket..........................................    85

Klein's Jewelry, ticket sales............................... 9 80

Cash at park gates.............................................. 1 65

Toy Baloon receipts.............................................. 45

Hand organ..........................................................2 86

Chief Chas. Baldwin, tickets.............................. 1 05

Miss Maring....................................................... 1 40

Pulp Mill donation.............................................10 00

George Koerner donation................................... 1 00

Midland Steel Plant, Tickets Sales .................113 40

Pulp Mill,                            "   "......................... 8 75

Indiana Ironworks,              "   "........................77 70

Milton Gray                         "   "........................ 4 25

Silver Works,                       "   ".......................10 50

Port Glass Works,                "   ".......................17 50

C. H. Over,                          "   "........................50 00

Hemingray Glass W’ks       "   "........................35 00

JH Smith,                             "   ".......................14 00

Consumers Paper Co.          "   ".........................7 00

Maring, Hart & Co.             "   ".......................24 25

Ball Bros,                             "   ".....................121 95

R M Ball,                             "   ".......................10 50

Muncie Casket Co,              "   ".......................10 50

Architectural Iron W'ks       "   ".......................10 50

Muncie Glass Co.                "   ".......................42 00

Indiana Bridge Works          "   ".......................35 00

Muncie Wheel Co.               "   ".......................10 50

Handle Works,                     "   "........................ 7 00

Rev Wm Schmidt, donation ...............................5 00

J R Hummel 10 per cent gross receipts of

refreshment privileges at park.............................5 70

Citizen's St R'y Co, 20 per cent gross receipts

of refreshment privileges at park.......................11 41

Citizen's St R'y Co, gross ticket receipts,

$202 67, 50 per cent of same received

account entertainment......................................101 32


            Total receipts.................................... $ 1,288 10




Indiana Band .......................................$ 49 50

Hauling and handling piano..................... 3 25

Shick's Book Store................................... 1 00

Hauling sundry articles............................ 1 00

Lanterns, banners and candies................. 8 00

Calico, etc.................................................3 31

Extra labor operating Street R'y

     $18 00, one-half paid as per

     contract ..................................................9 30

Labor, lumber material and

     alterations on stage pavilion

     also electrical wiring and

     lights as per contract..............................58 21

Two buckets................................................ 50   133 87


            In bank ............................................... $ 1,154 23


Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Roger Lucas / Bob Stahr
Date completed:December 16, 2023 by: Bob Stahr;