Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 37, p. 1, col. 3-4
Or Nearly That Amount For the
Kindergarten School Fund
Yesterday morning the prediction was made that the success of the Kindergarten entertainment was assured, and it was correct. The whole show is now over, with the exception of the several committees making their final reports, and turning over the snug sum that has been derived for the treasurer of the Kindergarten association. It will be impossible to make an accurate statement as to what amount of cash was earned from the venture for several days yet, as there are a large number of settlements to make, but The News has reasons to assure the ladies that they will have from $1,300 to $1,500 to turn over to the school, after all expenses are settled. This is more than gratifying, it is glorious.
There was in the neighborhood of 4,000 tickets sold, at an average of 30 cents each. The percentage of the receipts from the Street Railway company will amount to between $150 and $200, and from the refreshment stand, in charge of Rhine Humell, $15 more will derived. Another channel that adds wealth to the fund was cash collections made by Mesdames T. F. Hart and Thomas Morgan, Thursday. They secured a hundred or more donations. Some bought one or more tickets, and did not take the tickets, while others donated cash outright. Those who gave one or more dollars were as follows:
A. L. Johnson, 5.00; T. F. Hart,6.40; W. Hitchcock, 5.00; W. E. Proctor, 1.00; E. H. Johnson, 1.00; W. P. Myers, 1.00; Unknown, 1.00; Unknown, 1.00; Dr. Troop, 1.00; Ed. Johnson, 1.00; Hickman Bros., 5.00; Thohs. Morgan, 5.00; Arnold, & O'meara, 3.50; Mr. Hinkle, 1.00; M. Topp, 5.00; L. Kilsheimer, 2.00; People's Drug store, 1.00; Hub Shoe store, 10.70; George O'Neil, 5.00; Koons & Manok, 1.00; S. C. Cowan, 3.50; Thornburg show store, 2.00; F. Heath, 5.00; C. H. Church, 3.50; A. W. Brady, 5.00; Keller, Fudge, & Co., 5.00; J. H. Dwyer, 1.00; W. H. Boland, 2.00; George Keelor, 1.00; Mrs. T. F. Rose, 5.00; W. E. H. Marsh, 2.00; H. Roads, 5.00; R. Cunnington, 1.00; Skewer Co., 25.00; Father Schmidt, 5.00; Kindergarten Hand Organ (Herbert DuBois) 2.86; A. M. Wagoner, 1.00; J. J. Hartley, 5.00; Mrs. Bailey, 1.75; L. N. Ganter, 1.00; Dr. Bunch, 5.00; Edward Tuhey, 5.00; Progress, 1.00; Alcazar, 5.00; J. A. Goddard, 5.00; Dennis O'Meara, 1.00; W. A. McNaughton, 5.00; W. W. Shirk, 1.00; M. Klopfer, 2.00; Tappan Shoe Co., 14.00.
The matinee yesterday afternoon was attended by about 1 200 people. The afternoon show was intended for a full dress rehearsal, and was by no means what the show was last night, but it was quite interesting, and the good things said about it by those who attended and cane to the city afterwards, had the effect of filling the pavillion [sic] pavilion last night as it never was before, and never before was such an audience assembled in Muncie to witness a stage production.
A large number of those who went to the matinee, possibly 300, remained on the grounds for the evening performance and the tickets taken in at the gate showed that over 1800 more came out in the evening, making a crowd of over 2,000 at the evening entertainment.
It was impossible for all to get on the inside of the pavilion and they stood on the outside and peered in over the railing from the veranda. The seats were all taken at an early hour, and before the show begun the people had crowded in so strong, that it became necessary for two thirds of the audience to stand.
Some few changes in the cast were necessary, because those first chosen could not respond, but all were most admirably filled by the following:
Scissors grinder — Dr. Kemper.
Jewelry vender — Armstead Klien.
Owner of Side Show — Edward Hamilton.
Elastic woman — Rob Williams.
Shopper — Mrs. J. R. Williams.
Hot tamale man — Chas Prutzman.
Irish woman — Paul Baker.
Italian organ man — Maurice Lauer.
Policemen — Eli Hoover, Jimmie Jones and Clarence Hussey.
Gypsey maiden and Anna Held — Mrs. J. Weille.
Umbrella mender — James Meeks.
Yellow kids — Barney Lamb and Chess Lockwood.
The coming women — Miss Sue Adams.
Gambler — Arthur Case.
Living skeleton and New Woman — Mrs. L. Hermann.
Fat woman — Elmira K. Keuchmann.
News boys — Bob Murray, Patsy Sheehan, Jesse Winters and the Milligan brothers.
Mail carrier — Will Ricks and George Haymond.
Flower girl — Sarah Kirby.
Toy baloon man — Major Wildman.
Director of music — Mise Love.
German choral society — Leader, Prof. Damm.
"St. Patrick's Day" — Miss Maggie Shea.
"Without Thee" — Miss Marie House.
Farmer — Sam Wilkinson.
Boot black — Ora Bush.
Living pictures — Mrs. H. H. Highlands, Emily Olcott, Fannie Turner, Edward Walker and Lawrence Destatte.
Ossified Man — _____ Milligan.
Female mind reader — Lawrence Hermann .
New York’s swell society ladies — Misses McNaughton, Maud Neely, Emily Olcott, Marion Case, FannieTurner, Mrs. Herbert Maddy, Mrs. H. H Highlands, Mrs. Fred Heath.
Broadway Chappies — Messrs. Robert Walker, Fred Swain, Norwood Carnes, Arthur Cassady, Fred Hurstmier and Tom Rayan.
Apple Women — Misses Emma Case and Ada Cammack.
Newsboys — Bob Murray, Jesse Winters and Patsy Sheehan.
Nurses and Maids Misses Ethel Dowell, Erna Eiler, Ashley Hemingray and Flossie Gregory.
Salvation Army — Captain, Mrs. Frank B. Nickey; Grace Gayman, Vida Cassady, Adda Hathaway, Sarah Hathaway, Ida Jacobs, Bertha Smith, Linnie Coffeen, Carrie and Lillian Stevens, Nellie and Mary Meyers, Mary Petty, Emma Morris, Emma Walling, Nellie Ault, Archie Kilgore, Frank Nickey, Fred McClellan, Al Martin, John Eskew, Walter Ryan, Ben Glasscock, Clifford Taylor,
Arthur Kelley, Melville Woods, Dr. Albert Martin and Fred Jewett.
New York banker — George O. Cromwell.
The salvation army, commanded by Mrs. Nickey, and the Bowery museum conducted by Jay Edgar Hamilton, were features. The songs by Mrs. Weilee, Miss Shea and Miss Houze, and the German chorus under the direction of Prof. Damm, and the song by the French chorus, under the direction of Prof. Houstiere, with a mandolin selection by little Miss Laura Destate, were features of the musical program, which was in charge of Miss Love. The French chorus was composed of 24 voices, and captured the audience completely.
Mrs. Herrmann and Miss Adams, as the "new women" did their part equally as well as Comedian Murray, and George Ball as the man to be buncoed, surely has been there. The trick was worked by Tom Ryan and Sam Wilkenson, last night On a whole the show was remarkably good, and all were pleased.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murray deserve great credit for the fine work they did, Mr. Murray as general manager, and Mrs. Murray in the femanine dressing room.
In addition to the above, great credit seems to be due to the whole of Muncie for the remarkable success.