Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 36, p. 1, col. 3-4
The Little Children Will Be
Schooled Again Next Year.
The date for the raising of the curtain on the final number of the series of free kindergarten entertainments, that have been occupying the major part of the attention of the people during the present week, has arrived, and the third, and only real big show goes off today, afternoon and evening, at Westside park.
The bicycle parade was big, the business men's parade bigger, but the biggest show of them all will be seen in the pavilion today. The sale of tickets by the canvassing committee ceased last evening, and the ladies and gentlemen in charge made a big days work yesterday, and the effort to make all feel that their presence is most earnestly solicited at the entertainment today, and if there is a single person in the city that was not asked to purchase a ticket, the ladies extends to them a most cordial invitation to call at the park this afternoon or evening and they will be supplied.
The school is open to all, children of the poor as well as the rich people, and the entertainments today are thoroughly in keeping with the management of the kindergarten schools, everybody is welcome, so come.
The matinee performance will begin promptly at 2:30 o'clock, in the evening the show will be repeated, beginning promptly at 8 o’clock. Those taking part in the performance will not come to the city for supper, as arrangements have been made by caterer Hummel to feed 2000 persons on the grounds with sandwiches, coffee and other whole some food. This ensures the “actors” being in good condition, physically. A per cent of the proceeds from this source will go to the school.
Superintendent Dubois has arranged to handle the people to and from the park, on his street cars very rapidly, but those who can go early are requested to do so, and give room for those less fortunate, as there will be hundreds of them. One half of the entire receipts of the street railway system today, goes to the Kindergarten, and full fare will be charged on all lines, The indications last night were that near 5,000 tickets would be disposed of for the two shows and those who have worked so dilligently [sic] diligently for the success of the venture, were happy.
A full rehearsal of the parts was made last night at the pavilion, and all of the hundred persons who will take part were present. Mr. Charles Murray, the comedian, was in charge of the rehearsal and will manage the production of the show today.
From what was witnessed by an outsider last night, the show will by far excell [sic] excel anything that has ever been presented to Muncie by home talent, and those fortunate enough to have a ticket will be more than pleased, as there are a couple features, which we pledged not to mention at this time, that are alone worth double the price of admission.
The following is the cast of characters that will entertain you, with but a single place to fill, and she will be imported from Anderson. The show will positively be given on time, weather or no weather. Come early and get front seats:
The Program.
Part First — Living pictures under the direction of Miss Goddard,
Part Second — Streets of New York by daylight. Grand street parade of all nations showing the customs and characteristics of the people of America’s greatest city.
Gala day and picnic of Timothy Sullivan's chowder party. Band enroute to pier 29 east river.
Second Bargain day at Macy's. Society ladies out en masse escorted by New York’s swell chappies.
Third — The blind girl’s song, Miss Heath. The apple women enroute to Fulton market.
Fourth — The newsboys with extras of the New York Herald, World, Journal and Times.
Fifth — The nurses outing in Central Park where the big bobbies pass their time.
Sixth — The Elks drill chorus out for practice.
Seventh — All classes "on the Bowery." Here every type known can be seen day and night seeing the sights of the museum on this famous street. Dance, Emily Howe.
Eighth — The flower girl’s song, Miss Kirby.
Ninth — The organ grinder’s quarrel, and the policeman said "move on."
Tenth — "Coney Island" where you meet the usual crowd of fakirs, sausage and tamale men, side show freaks, dancers, bunco steerers, new women, toy baloon men, bathers, beggars, policemen, lunch men and every character described in New York’s greatest papers.
New York’s swell society ladies — Misses McNaughton, Maud Neely, Emily Olcott, Marion Case, FannieTurner, Mrs. Herbert Maddy, Mrs. Highlands, Mrs. Fred Heath.
Broadway Chappies — Messrs. Robert Walker, Fred Swain, Norwood Carnes, Arthur Cassidy and Fred Hurstmier.
Apple Women — Misses Emma Case and Ada Cammack.
Newsboys — Bob Murray, Jesse Winters and Patsy Sheehan.
Nurses and Maids Misses Ethel Dowell, Erna Eiler, Ashley Hemingray and Flossie Gregory.
Salvation Army — Emma Morris, Mary Meyers, Nellie Myers, Miss Stevens, Archie Kilgore, Laura Ault, Mary Petty, Myrtle Clifford, Nellie Ault, Messrs. Frank Nickey, John Eskew, Martin, Fred Jewett, Metz, McClellan, Edgar Williams.
New York banker — George O. Cromwell.
Fakir — J. S. Marsh
Jewelry vender — Armstead Klien.
Toy Peddler — Ben Hamilton.
Business man — Frank Nickey.
Farmer — Sam Wilkinson.
Shopper — Mrs. J. R. Williams.
Hot tamale man — Chas Prutzman.
Chinaman — Ed Hamilton.
Irish woman — Mrs. Hermann.
Italian organ man — Wall Carey.
Policemen — Eli Hoover, J. Jones and Bert Bradbury.
Gypsey maiden and Anna Held — Mrs. J. Weille.
Umbrella mender — L. Hermann.
Scissors grinder — Dr. Kemper.
Yellow kids — Frank Gass, Barney Lamb and Red Murray.
Sausage man — Chas., Prutzman.
Tambourine girl — Baby Murray.
The coming women — Mrs. Hermann, Miss Sue Adams.
Gambler — Arthur Case.
Elastic woman — Rob Williams.
Living skeleton — Mrs. L. Hermann.
Fat woman — _________
Baker — Rhine Hummel.
Book Black — Ora Bush.
Mail carrier — _________ _________
Samantha Allen — Mrs. T. Hart
Flower girl — Sarah Kirby.
Toy baloon man — Major Wildman.
Street dancer — Emily Howe.
Blind girl — May Heath.
Beggar girl — Della Ault.
The whole to conclude with a mixed concest composed of French, German, Irish and English melodies.
Director of music — Mise Love.
German choral society, "Wacht am Rhein" — Prof. Damm, director.
St. Patrick's Day — Miss Maggie Shea.
French Colony — Marseillaise Hymn — Prof. Arthur Houspiere, director.
"Happy Days," Streleki — Mrs. James Weille.
Jubilee singers in Plantation melodies — George Hundle, director.
"Without Thee" — Miss Marie Houze.
America — Seventy-five voices, assisted by the Indiana band.
Good Night.