Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 20, p. 4, col. 6
Muncie Correspondent Details Some
Newsy Notes in Window Circles.
The Muncie correspondent of the Pittsburg Commoner and Glass Worker wrote his paper as follows last week:
"Well, here we are again; slightly disfigured, but still in the ring. We had an exciting ball game Sunday, May 9, between the Window glass workers from Over's and the flints from Hemingray's, resulting in a score of 10 to 9 in favor of the flints, who captured the prize. The flints did the proper thing. Grant Hayes managed the window workers and played second base. Lew Webb pitched. Both sides did some good field work.
"Paul Smith and his gatherer are working out their notice and will work at Maring, Hart & Co.'s the balance of the fire.
"The latest arrivals are James Fleming, John Ward, John Deitsch and James McDonald.
"S.E. Page, the well known flattener, has purchased a horse and buggy and will make someone take the dust, as he is of fine blood.
"Fred DeArmitt, a gatherer at Over's will ride his wheel home to Bridgeton this summer. He is getting himself in good shape for the ride.
"Emma, the little daughter of ex. Secretary A. J. Smith, fell and broke her leg about two weeks ago. She is mending rapidly, and will be all right again in a few weeks.
"Again we hear the dreadful cry of "fire." This time it is Over's cutting room. At 6:20 Friday, May 14, fire was discovered in the north cutting room of the great Over window plant, and the cutting room burned to the ground; also the wall between the cutting room and the lehr room and the support to the roof over the new flattening oven were burned and fell in breaking all the glass standing in the flattening house.
"The men will be paid in full for all glass broken. We started Monday at 7 a.m., losing one day. There is plenty of spare work here, as the fire scared our spare men away.