Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 20, no. 13, p. 5, col. 2
He Was Badly Hart But it is Thought
Will Recover.
Harry Ivory, who fell from a Big Four freight train near Ft. Recovery, Ohio, about a week ago, is in the city visiting his brother, "Nick" Ivory, says the Anderson Herald.
Ivory has not recovered from his injuries by any means. He is still in rather serious condition, and has to be watched closely. While able to walk around some, his mind appears to be affected and at times he talks in a rambling sort of style. The impression is that Ivory was sandbagged by some one on the train, robbed and then pitched off. So far as he is concerned, he has no recollection whatever of the accident. It is all a blank to him. He remembered leaving Muncie, but does not recall anything that occurred along the road. Yesterday morning, when asked if it was not time to take his medicine, Ivory replied in an absent minded way, "Well he hit me first." This leads to the conclusion that there may have been a struggle between him and and another fellow on the top of the car.
It is doubtful now if the tenth of the affair will ever be known. Ivory, who has always been a big, strong fellow, is in a pitiable condition and he has no more mind than a small child. In walking along the street his course carries him all the time to the right, and he would run into the buildings if some one did not hold his arm and direct him.
When Ivory was found in the ditch along the railroad track he was lying full upon his face in the mud. In his breathing he had inhaled the mud in his nose and mouth, until the poor fellow was almost suffocated. Physicians do rot believe the fall from the car caused the more serious injuries from which the man suffers. They believe he received a heavy blow over the head which did the principal damage.