Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 19, no. 311, p. 1, col. 3
Assistance For the Drill Corp
Trip to Minneapolis.
Meeting Tonight to Take Steps For
the show — Comedian Chas Marray,
the Chief Promoter
Last evening, a card was left at this office for all members of Muncie lodge of Elks to meet at their club room in the Heath Iron building this evening promptly at 8 o'clock, to take the initial steps toward giving an Elks' minstrel show, the first ever seen in this city.
The object for which the entertainment is to be given, is a worthy one, and to doubt will be encouraged by the patronage of the people for this one reason alone, if for no other. The proceeds from the sale of tickets are to be used in assisting in defraying of the expenses of sending the Elks' drill corps to the annual convention at Minneapolis next July, to again contest for the laurels in the prize drill contests, and their presence there, like in Cincinnati last year, will be a source of advertisement to the city, that will be in such nature as to be of great value to Muncie.
A year ago the members of the drill corps paid their own expenses and the lodge sent the city band with the corps, paying all expenses, and the glory the city achieved from their victorious work cost in the neighborhood of $2,000. The opportunity for the drill corps at Minneapolis will be just as bright, and the corps will have as good chance of winning from a much larger field of opposition.
The members are willing to go to the meeting and work for the prize, if they are not compelled to bear the burden of expense, and since the return home of Mr. Charles Murray, from a season on the road with the Murray & Mack show, the idea of giving a minstrel show to assist in paying the expenses, was conceived, and Mr. Murray has agreed to abandon a proposed trip south, and assist in organizing the company and presenting the show. Another leading man with the Merry World show company, who has been with Manager T. Rus Smith during the past season, has consented to come to Muncie and assist the local talent in presenting the show, and with the assistance of Elmer Whiteley, Homer Highlands, Kirby Heinsohn, W. L. Holmes, F. L. Wachtell, Harry Dungan, J. K. Ritter, William Gill, Charles Bender, C. H Anthony, Charles Boldt, Homer Bowles, Mayor Cromer, Alfred Damm, R. S. Gregory, Ralph Hemingray, Eli Hoover, Isaac Humphries, H. C. Klein, David Moreland, William Patterson, Ol Raymond, Jacob Vogt, Quince Walling, W. R. Youse, and a score or more other members of the lodge, the success of the venture as a source of great pleasure to the audience is assured.
In addition to these, Muncie has some local outside talent that could be secured and would add to the amusement feature. If the minstrel is decided on tonight, as it undoubtedly will be, the corps will at once resume practice and work hard until the time comes to depart. The show will be given within the next three weeks, if at all