Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 19, no. 274, p. 8, col. 4
Preliminary Steps For Labor
Day Meeting Taken.
Fourteen Cities Represented and Good
Committees Named at the
Meeting Here Sunday
The attendance at the initial meeting Sunday for the purpose of making arrangements for the State Labor Day celebration, to be held in this city, Sept. 6th, was indicative of the final success of the venture, and indicates that the crowd that will be present will by far excel any other assembly ever before the Magic City.
Had all unions in the state been represented there would have been between two or three hundred at the meeting Sunday, but under the circumstances the local promoters were not expecting over 50 delegates, and in this prediction they were happily surprised, as the number recorded was 86.
The object of the meeting was to select committees and it was very desirous that active wide awake men be chosen, as they must bear the burden of work and will be held responsible for the success or failure of the celebration, and judging from the appearance of the strangers and knowledge of the Muncie men placed on the committees the success of the meeting is assurred.
The names of the committees chosen are as follows:
Transportation — Robert Groff and Edgar A. Perkins, Indianapolis; A. T. Dye and Tony Smith, Anderson; Albert Edsvine, Frankton; C. O. Sawyer and D A. McAbee, Muncie. In addition to this there will be one man on the committee from each city in the state.
Finance — John Fodley, John Buettner, Will Tobin, Otto Sellers and George Derrick, Muncie.
Speakers — Roscoe Barnett, Indianapolis; Morris Collins and Joseph A. Walters, Anderson; J. C. Fox and Samuel Cashmore, Muncie.
Grounds and Privileges — Will Tobin, D. A. McAbee, Ed Ulrich, Wm. Herbert and C. S. McCaughan, Muncie.
Amusements — Wm. Strang, Albert Evans, John Dodd, Daniel Taylor and George Geltz, Muncie.
Music — C. C. McCaughan, M. C. Thornton, Daniel Taylor, Muncie; J. F. Collins and C. E. Pessinger, Anderson.
Invitations — John Hutton and John Chappelle, Anderson; Lon Van Camp, Albert Evans and J. R. McClain, Muncie.
Printing — E. A. Perkins, Indianapolis; Charles Mullinaeux, Alexandria; E. A. Goes, Anderson; George Derrick, Samuel Cashmore and Chris Haven, Muncie.
Previous to the afternoon meeting at Union Labor hall, the delegates from the several local unions met at the National hotel and decided on a plan of work, or named the men who they would propose for the committees, and when the meeting was called to order in the afternoon, Muncie was all in readiness, and perfectly willing to divide the committees with other cities, where it was policy to do so.
The work of President D. A. Hayes of the Green Glass Workers' National Association in the Gas Belt was recognized the the meeting, which passed the following resolution presented by Michael Thornton:
Whereas, We realize the importance and substantial benefit coming from closer relation between laboring men; knowing also that much is to be attained by encouraging congregations and gatherings of our people.
WHEREAS, The glass workers under the leadership of D. A. Hays have inaugurated a movement with a view of banishing from the gas belt the ruinous monster which we apprehend non-unionism to be, and that inasmuch as it is of vast interest of all labor organizations that this said movement should adorn the character of a permanent institution, (our community of interests makes it so) therefore be it
Resolved, That we, the delegates to the State Labor day celebration in Muncie Union Labor hall assembled, do pledge all our moral support and exert our honest influences to bring about a successful end of the movement and, be it further
Resolved, That we personally attend, if possible, the labor demonstration to be held at Anderson, March 20th, if our respective locals finds themselves able, and do the same at all subsequent meetings held within a reasonable distance of our locality.
The cities represented were as follows: Frankton, Albany, Alexandria, Elwood, Peru, Gas City, Michigan City, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Anderson, Middletown, Marion, Dunkirk and Hartford City. It many instances it was impossible for the delegates who would have come to Muncie, to do so because railroad connections could not be made.