Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 19, no. 212, p. 8, col. 3
Visits Muncie Glass Factories
and Writes Letters
For His Paper and it is Given
Below — Belmont Relates Some
Mr. Belmont, representing the Pittsburg Commoner and Glassworker, after visiting Muncie on his western tour writes his paper as follows.
MUNCIE, Ind., Dec. 22. — The Hemingray glass works which is only in partial operation at present, will go on in full after the holidays, so we are informed by Manager Hemingray. — The Marietta Glass Company, at Redkey, Fred Wolzen, manager, is operating as usual and report a fair business. — The Port Glass Works is running steadily and the men are making full time. They will only lose three days during the holidays according to Manager J. W. Port. — Ball Bros.' mammoth plant is running day and night and their employees are all doing well, full time being the usual thing here. One day will be the extent of the Christmas stop. — The Muncie flint bottle works is also in full operation. Manager Humphries certainly has his hands full since the addition of the Nelson plant to this company's possessions and deserves great credit for the way he is handling the plant. —We understand 20 shops were laid off at the Thos. Evans chimney plant at Marion last Saturday.
Among the many popular workers at Ball Bros. we noticed Geo. Kern, D. O'Mears, Thos. Monahan, John Coyle, John Smith, Chas. Bessley, and the Delaney brothers. — P. J. Driscoll, the young Philadelphia flint who will be remembered by the delegates to the last three flint conventions, is now employed in Ball Bros.' press department. — John Burns, another former Philadelphian, moved his family to Muncie last week. — All the boys in the press house at Ball's tender their congratulations to Tom Holleran, of Marion, and wish him long life and prosperity. They are all smiles since the announcement of Tom's marriage. — Ollie Verner and Sam Stancliffe, former Bellaire, O., workers, are at the Muncie Flint. — Julius Stoebe, a former glassworker, is the proprietor of a popular resort near the Military Home at Marion, and is doing a nice business.
To the different firms we have visited while on our Western tour our sincere thanks are due for the uniform kindness and courtesy shown us. We think you gentlemen, one and all, and beg leave to say your treatment was appreciated by — BELMONT.