Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 19, no. 178, p. 1, col. 3
They Met Early and Talked
Late Last Evening.
Presented By the Commits and Will
Be Adopted — T F. Rose Talked
About Sewers — Pound for Dogs.
During the period of long nights and short days the members of the council meet at 7 o'clock instead of 7:45 o'clock as is the rule when the evenings are so bright and warm. Last evening they got a good start but business was not completed until after 9:30 o'clock, and in the meantime there was a continual run of arguments.
The dog question has been before the council for the past two months. It is fortunate for the dogs that the council consists largely of men who love dogs, or many of them would be instantaneously relegated to the garbage furnace. The idea of having a pound for dogs has been talked of for some time, and last night an ordinance regulating the same was introduced and passed. It provided that all untagged dogs shall be taken to the pound where they shall be confined for four days and if not called for by the owner they shall be killed and burned. When the owner calls he will be compelled to pay 50 cents for the release of his dog. The pound has already been erected near the garbage furnace and cost $22 55.
T. F. Rose addressed the council regarding the assessments to be made for the payment of the construction of the Eighth street sewer, which extends west from Walnut street along the line of Eighth street to Elliott street, where it enters the main outlet sewer. It is a big sewer, being 3x2 feet at the beginning and 5x4 feet at the end and cost about $10,000. It was constructed by Moore and Maddox last winter, but the city commissioners are just about to make a report on the assessment. Mr. Rose will be the heaviest assessed property owner, his portion being probably about $2,500. According to his statement the law provides that when a sewer is a necessity for the benefit of the city a portion or all of the assessments may be made against the city, and it was to this end that he desired the council to take action. Such a rule has never been in force, and the members of the council thought that inasmuch as the matter was in the hands of the commissioners it would be best to allow them to make their report. The report was finally referred to the judiciary committee.
The street light committee reported that Tom Cray, engineer at the station, had resigned and that Dunk Shaffer had been appointed in his place.
The clerk was instructed to notify E. P. Smith to cease the using of the sidewalk of South Jefferson street as a roadway and keep the same clean in the future.
The L. E & W. company recently raised the track at the crossing of Liberty street, and the clerk was instructed to inform the company that the track must be lowered to the old grade.
The following bills were submitted by the committee and allowed:
Page Belting Co................................$211 20
W. W. Shirk........................................... 1 20
Hemingray Glass Co............................. 9 50
Western Electric Co............................. 16 24
J. Bucksbarger....................................... 1 50
R. Scott.................................................. 1 85
J. C. Wood & Co.................................... 5 67
Bert Hallock.......................................... 1 50
R. Scott.................................................. 2 00
D. S. Huffer........................................... 6 50
J. C. Wood & Co................................... 1 21
D. C. Mitchell....................................... 5 60
George Ford.......................................... 50
W. M. Buch........................................... 3 60
William Bussard...................................12 14
J. W. Hedrick....................................... 37 50
Jerry Nelson........................................... 50
J. M. Stipp & Co................................... 1 00
Harry Manley.................................... 148 97
Henry Laugering .................................. 1 50
W. W. Shirk......................................... 11 55
Big Four Ry. Co.................................. 37 27
Muncie Foundry & Machine Co.......... 3 00
Mock & Baker.................................. 232 85
Young & Kessler............................... 123 30
O. T. Boss........................................... 45 00
Engineer’s street pay roll.................. 277 36
Engineer’s office pay roll.................. 36 00
Cleaning asphalt streets...................... 23 00
The committee on fire department has been at work for some time preparing rules and regulations for the fire departments. They have inspected rules under which various departments are operated and after careful consideration presented quite a lengthy report which is given briefly below. Action was postponed one week.
No person shall be appointed to membership in the fire department or to continue to hold membership therein, who is not a citizen of the city of Muncie, a legal voter in said city between the ages of 21 and 40 years, who has ever been convicted of crime, or who cannot read and write the English language understandingly, or who shall not have