Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 19, no. 169, p. 1, col. 6
Mrs. Kirby Entertains Informally
For Mrs. P. S. Heath Yesterday.
At her lovely home on Mulberry street Mrs. John M. Kirby informally entertained about 30 of her lady friends yesterday afternoon.
The guest of honor was Mrs. Perry S. Heath, who is the guest of Mrs. F. W. Heath, and the amusement, progressive euchre, at which Mrs. J. R. Marsh successfully played the most lone bands and secured the favor a handsome boquet [sic] bouquet of chrysanthemums, fastoned [sic] fastened with yellow ribbon. For the most games won, Mrs. F. R Thrall received a bunch of pink roses tied with pink ribbon. The decorations, pink and yellow Chrysanthemums, were profusely beautiful. Light refreshments were served during the afternoon, and the party proved a scource [sic] source of great pleasure to the following guests: Messdames [sic] Messdames J. W. Ryan, C. L. Bender, J. A. Meeks, H. M Winans, J. R. Marsh, B. H. Whiteley, T. K. Heineohn, Ralph Hemingray, J. A. Heinsohn, E. D. DuBois, A. J. Williams, J. E. Haffner, B. F. Bradbury, F. W. Heath, F. R. Thrall, G. V. Jennings, A. F. Patterson, N. H. Ethell, L. L. Turner, T. Morgan, J. E. Durham and her guest, Mrs. Rooney, Kate Wilson, R. S. Gregory, C. A Spilker, W. F. Dickie, W. L. Little, Suzane Thomas, G. M. Bard, H. H. Highland, M. C. Smith and G. F. McCulloch.