Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 19, no. 158, p. 5, col. 3
Factory Boys Will Take the
Whole Town Tonight.
There Will Be Thousands On
The Line of March.
With Many Wagons Loaded With
Campaign Objects Representing
The Industries and Where
The Boys Work.
Grand Marshal D. H. McAbee and his assistants of the Factory Boys' Industrial rally tonight met at Leffler & Balls' office last evening in the Heath Iron building and perfected plans for the big event this evening.
The several clubs are requested to meet promptly at 6:30 o’clock and every section of the parade move promptly at 7 o’clock, by the school house clock.
Mr. McAbee has the following assistant Grand Marshals: Chas. Kennedy, Joseph Porter, Greely Furgeson, Samuel Cashmore, John Brown and John Driscoll.
The formation of the parade as rectified last night will be ns follows:
Marshals — John Cashdollar, A. G Shinn,
Hector DeJean.
City Band.
Ball Brothers' Glass Works.
Hemingrays' Glass Works.
Maring & Hart Glass Works.
Over Glass Works.
Port Glass Works.
Muncie Flint Glass Works.
Nelson’s Glass Works.
Marshals — Frank Smith, S. A. Hottinger, Morris Colvin.
Eagle Band.
Bending Works.
Casket Factory.
Heading Factory.
Handle Factory.
Handy Washing Machine Co.
Fourth Ward Martial Band.
Wheel Works.
Railroad Club.
Pulp Mill.
Marshals — Patrick Flannigan, John Darrell, Albert Stevens.
Midland Band.
Midland Steel Works.
Architectural Iron Works.
Sixth Ward Drum Corps.
Bridge Works.
Indiana Iron Company Band.
Indiana Iron Company.
Common Sense Engine Company.
Unemployed Iron Workers.
Malleable Iron Works.
Marshals — Lee Coffeen, Bud Thomas, Harry Wysor.
Veterans' McKinley Club.
Prosperity Club.
First Voters' Club.
Colored Voters' McKinley Club.
Any and all others not named.
First Division will form on Jackson street west of High street.
Second Division will form on Adams street west of High street.
Third Division will form on Charles street west of High street.
Fourth Division will form on Howard street west of High street.
South on High to Seymour, east to Walnut, north on Walnut to Main, east on Main to Madison, north on Madison to Washington, west on Washington to High. Mass around public square where parade will disband.
Music by Band.
Song by Indiana Iron Works Glee Club.
Remarks by Samuel Cashmore, presiding officer.
Music by French Glee Club.
Review of the campaign, by D. A. McAbee.
Music by Colored Quartette.
Address by L. C. Getsinger.
Solo by L. D. Pierce.
Music by Colored Quartette.
There has been much rivalry among the factory boys as to the number that each will have in line and the appearance that will be made. Most every factory of any importance in the city has organized and will march in a body from one to eight hundred strong. Ball Bros, will probably head the van as to numbers, but some of the other boys will be very noticeable with an elegant float, or representation on a wagon. It will be the final Republican demonstration of the campaign until the ratification, and the boys will make old Welkin ring. All Republicans are urged to join in the procession.