Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 19, no. 65, p. 1, col. 4
The Last Rehearsal Reproduced
Before a Large Audience
At the lovely home of Mr. and Mrs. George F. McCulloch last evening "The Last Rehearsal" was reproduced for the benefit for the Free Kindergarten association. The play was produced a few weeks ago at the home of Edward Olcott to the delight of a refined audience. Owing to counter attractions several persons were debarred from witnessing the production, and an urgent request resulted in the company repeating the play last night. About 75 persons were present, and the entire company was called before the curtain in response to encore by the enthusiastic audience after the completion of the program. The receipts were about $15. At the close of the program about 9:30 o'clock a short dancing program was indulged in. The following persons took part in the cast: Mesdames J. W. Perkins, Bradley, J. R Marsh, R. C. Hemingray; Misses Clara Gill, Hattie McCulloch, Andrews, and Messrs. J. W. Perkins, G. O. Cromwell, J. R. Marsh, R. E. Walker, H. H. Highlands, Yardsley and Bradley.