Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 19, no. 58, p. 1, col. 4-5
Muncie Elks Being Continually
Cheered in Cincinnati
Special to The News.
CINCINNATI, July 6. Elks drill corps arrived on time and were met at depot by committee consisting of 25 members from the Cincinnati lodge and 100 “rooters” organized by Dan Hemingray, to help pull for a prize. Muncie's uniforms and general work was cheered along the line to the hotel and so proud Cincinnatians of the corps and band that they doubled the natural length of the lodges captain Wysor after seeing Columbus and some other arrivals this evening is confident that Muncie will only have Louisville and Cleveland to beat and some outsiders say the boys in white will win with ease but that will not detract them from their work.
Les Wachtell and wife enroute to Cincinnati driving met with an accident Sunday afternoon. Mr. Wachtell removed the bridle from the horse while in the country to stop for lunch. While removing the bridle the horse became frightened and ran away over him trampling his left leg, head and back and he was bruised in many places but his wounds are not serious. He may not be able to drill Thursday. Mrs. Wachtell jumped from the buggy and was slightly injured. In the absence of John Gray, John Banta filled his place well today. He secured a uniform from many sources. All places of amusement are free to visiting Elks. General reception and treatment never excelled, and the word “Muncie” is being used freely in Elk circles this evening .