Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 19, no. 55, p. 1, col. 3
Miss Grace Johnson Delightfully
Receives Many Friends.
Last evening at the elegant home of her parents on East Washington street, Miss Grace Johnson delightfully entertained in honor of her guest, Miss Mary Todd of Bluffton.
The yard was beautifully decorated with Japanese lanterns and the effect was very pretty. The house, which was brilliantly illuminated was thrown open to the guests, who enjoyed themselves until a late hour.
A guessing contest was a feature of the evening. Each gentleman present was given a card bearing 10 printed questions, and every lady was presented with a paper numbered to correspond to the questions. The gentlemen were to write their answers to the questions on the ladies' cards. The young lady having the most correct answers received a prize and likewise the young gentleman answering the greatest number of queries. Miss Hudie Smith won the lady's prize and Will Thompson the gentleman's favor, although Lloyd Kimbrough was within a fraction of obtaining it. The prizes awarded were fine boxes of bon bons.
During the whole evening punch was at the disposal of the guests. Light refreshments were also served. All in attendance enjoyed the occasion very much and each indulged in the festivities.
Those present were: Misses Agnes Howe, Clifford Bower, Marion Wood, Edna Boyce, Etna Hurrle, Edna Harrington of Chicago, Emma Case, Eva Winchester, Erna Eiler, Hudie Smith, Louise Maddy, Mary Todd of Blufton, Grace Johnson, Reba Koons and Helen Hickman. Messrs. Lloyd Kimbrough, Albert Martin, Will Kemper, Max Bishop, Walter Howe, Xenia Smith, Rob Hemingray, Arthur Meeks, Frank Kimbrough, Walter Brown, Ray Johnson, Earl Boyce, Will Wade, Karl Oesterle, Delbert Galligher, Garth Martin and Will Thompson.