Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 19, no. 44, p. 5, col. 3
Was the Episcopal Church Entertainment
Last Night
"The Last Rehearsal," given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Olcott, last night, under the auspices of the Young Ladies' Altar Guild, of Grace Epicsopal [sic] Episcopal church, was a delightful event, enjoyed by over 100 people. So well was the audience pleased that a very urgent request is being made to have the program repeated.
The spacious parlors were well adapted for the occasion, but entirely too small to accommodate all and the reception hall and large veranda were brought into use.
The cast was as follows: Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Marsh, Miss Clara Gill, Miss Harriet McCulloch, Mrs. Robert Hemingray, Mr. George O. Cromwell, Mr. Robert Walker and Mr. Homer H. Highlands.
The play is a very laughable farce with spicy dialogue that directed the closest attention of the refined audience. The play it well named. The participants are supposed to be members of a show company that meet in the afternoon for the final rehearsal before the play it to be produced in the evening. The members have been telegraphed the parts they were to take and all are supposed to come to the last rehearsal with their lines committed. It develops that the telegrapher made fatal errors and in some instances two members had prepared the same part. The situation is a peculiar one and after a while the play is declared off and the members of the compay [sic] company adjourned for a banquet as the final to a badly mixed up state of affairs. The sentences were short, making many cues for the participants to remember and each and every one displayed remarkable talent.
In many instances, remarks that she or he had missed their calling by not taking to the stage were heard from the audience. It was an evening of great mirth to all.
In addition to the play Misses Mae Heath and Helen Smith gave pleasing vocal selections, each being accompanied by Miss Wilson. Miss Bertha Smith rendered a beautiful mandolin solo. Ice cream and cake were served. The young ladies cleared about $25.