Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 19, no. 16, p. 8, col. 4
Tribute to J. R. Ervin.
John R. Ervin is dead; he was our brother; he was a true and zealous member of our order; he was a generous, kind, honest, brave, strong, good, sincere and true man. His valor and patriotism were tested and proven in the many battles in which he fought in defense of our nation; his generous, firm and manly qualities were manifest to all his associates in war and in peace. He was a true and steadfast friend; be was a good, kind and indulgent husband and father, who established and maintained a good and happy home and household. Our hearts beat heavily at the portals of the grave of our beloved brother, and tears, unbidden, come. Farewell, dear brother and devoted friend, let thy virtues be inscribed on the enduring tablets of love and memory; let thy faults be written oily in the shifting sands. May the winds murmur sweet requiems o’er thy grave and may a happy and glorious resurrection follow.
Muncie lodge, No. 245, of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks sincerely adopts this tribute to the memory of our deceased brother, John Riley Ervin, and orders that the same be recorded in our book of records, and that our officers give a copy of the same to his family; and that his name be inscribed on the memorial tablet of our lodge; and that our lodge room be draped in the habiliments of mourning.
H. R. WYSOR, } Committtee [sic] Committee