Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 18, no. 301, p. 1, col. 3
Will Be Selected By Muncie
Republicans Today.
Interesting But Friendly Contests in
Several Wards — Is Now Ready
For The Final.
The Republican city primary election occurs today. The voting begins at 7 o’clock this morning and will close at 7 o’clock this evening, the polls in each ward being open 12 hours, so as to enable every republican to vote.
The campaign has been a short one and has been conducted in an earnest, but friendly manner, by all candidates, especially is this the case in the Third ward where Mr. Kirby has been without company. A similar case exists in the Fourth ward where Mr. Berger has no opposition for the long term office.
In the First ward there is 3 candidates and the canvass has been quite spirited. In the Second ward there are 2 candidates and it will likely necessitate the last ballot to decide who is the victor. In the Fourth ward there are 3 Candidates for the short term office and all alike will inform you that his chances of success are good. In the Fifth ward like the Sixth, on the same side of the railroads, the candidates went to bed last night and they were likely up with the sun this morning leaving no stone unturned in the search for votes.
The candidates are as follows:
First Ward — O. W. Crabbe, F. M. Keltner and Phillip Stauff.
Second Ward — Charles H. Anthony and Marcus C. Smith.
Third Ward — Thomas H. Kirby.
Fourth Ward — Long term, Richard Berger; short term, Will Meeker, P. C. Hopkins and James Boyce.
Fifth Ward — Frank Clevenger and John F. Hutchings.
Sixth Ward — Albert Evans, C. A. Budd, Evan T. Keene and William T. Ribble.
Mr. Crabbe is a member of the present council and is engaged in the grain business. Mr. Keltner is a dentist by occupation and a member of the firm of Keltner Bros. Mr. Stauff has for a number of years been engaged in the plumbing business, a member of the firm of Stauff Bros.
Mr. Anthony is a member of the firm of Heath, Lenon and Anthony, and is a prominent factor in the Delaware County Fair association. Mr. Smith is an ex-mayor and is retired.
Thomas H. Kirby, better known as "Hick," is a present member of the city council and engaged in the lumber business. His friends feel sure of his election.
Mr. Berger is at present engaged in assisting the township assessor. Will Meeker is a dairyman and P. C. Hopkins is employed as superintendent at the Muncie Iron and Steel works. Mr. Boyce is an ex-member of the council having recently resigned.
Frank Clevenger is a grocer and his opponent a member of the firm of Nethercott & Hutchings, architects.
Albert Evans is a blower at the Hemingray Glass works and Evan Keene is employed at Ball Bros. Glass works. Mr. Budd is a dentist of the firm of O. Budd & Son and Mr. Ribble a contract carpenter. The officers selected for the election boards are as follows:
First Ward — Inspector, Geo. N. McLaughlin; Judge, B. Behymer; Clerks, Ed Tyler, Kit Thompson; sheriff, _____.
Second Ward — Inspector, J. C. Chamberlain; judge, James Charman; clerks, J. H. Koontz, M. S. Claypool; sheriff, Heck Starr.
Third Ward — Inspector, George Dungen; judge, R. I. Patterson; clerks, J. Edgar Johnson, James Manor; sheriff, Earl Patterson.
Fourth Ward — Inspector, Jeptha Straun; judge, J. J. Ridge; clerks, William Arnold, Lemuel McKimmey; sheriff, Mark C. Harrison.
Fifth Ward — Inspector, James E. Dare; judge, Barclay Benbow; clerks, Charles Van Matre, P. W. Franklin; Bheriff, Grant Bisel.
Sixth Ward — Inspector, Isaac H. Gray; judge, Isaac W. Crampton; clerks, H. C. Hopping, Clifford Hamilton; sheriff, _____.
Chairman John C. Eiler will be in his office tonight until a late hour and he requests that one member of each election board be selected to send to him the correct returns as soon as the count is finished.
The canvassing board will meet in the small court room at the court house Saturday at 1 o’clock to prepare the official vote.