Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 18, no. 274, p. 8, col. 2
Council Commences Preparation
for a New Building.
Special Committee Appointed to
Confer With Messrs. Reade and
Hitchcock in Regard to
Purchasing Their Ground.
When miscellaneous business was called for in council last evening Kirby stated that there had been some talk for several years of securing more ground for a city building but as yet no action had been taken. He then informed the councilman that there was now a chance to secure more ground as it would probably be possible to purchasing the ground immediately north of the city building which is now occupied by the Muncie Transfer company's stables. He made a motion that the mayor appoint three members as a committee to consult with Frank E. Read and William E. Hitchcock, owners of the ground and secure from them prices and terms that may lead to a sale. The motion carried and the mayor appointed Zook, Haymond and Kirby to act on the special committee.
It will not be many years before the city of Muncie will want to erect a new city building with accommodations for the fire department, police department, police patrol stables, city offices, etc. The grounds on which the city building now stands would be too small for a building of this kind; therefore, more will have to be purchased or another location selected. Should the delay in making a purchase be allowed to continue it will be a question of only a short time until it would be impossible to secure a suitable location without paying a fabulous price. Should Mr. Reed and Mr. Hitchcock make a favorable proposition to the committee, their ground will undoubtedly be purchased, and then Muncie will have a location for a new city building.
The property owners on West Tenth street petitioned tor the improvement of that street and the sidewalks from the F. W., C. & L. tracks to Hoyt avenue. The petition was referred to the street and alley committee.
J. F. Duckwall petitioned that the sidewalk on the south side of Wall street from Jefferson to Mulberry street be improved with cement. Referred to street and alley committee.
Johnson read the following bills that had accumulated during the past two weeks:
Standard Carbon Company..............$ 7 50
Frank Young..................................... 4 00
Engineer office pay roll................... 45 00
Cleaning asphalt streets................... 33 00
J. M. Hedrich................................... 70 00
J F. Simmons.................................... 3 50
W. L. Wood...................................... 2 06
Jockey Club Shoeing Company....... 15 20
Al. Cox............................................ 13 00
Bandy Planing Mill Company........... 1 40
Lon Fletcher....................................... 75
Western Electric Company............ 316 78
Al Price.......................................... 20 12
H. H. Highlands............................. 4 40
Mock & Baker............................... 203 40
Hemingray Glass Co....................... 1 70
George Keiser & Co.......................... 4 71
Fire and Water Publishing Co........... 2 00
C. F. W. Neely................................... 9 50
B. W. Bennett.................................. 14 40
V. E. Silverburg................................. 1 50
John M. Kirby................................... 4 50
William Love................................... 10 00
T. J. Stinger....................................... 3 10
The bills were allowed.
Chief Fortner reported that 55 arrests were made by the police during the month of February.
Engineer Wood's report shows that $500.03 was spent in repairing the streets during the month of February.
Health Officer Reed reported that during the month of February there were 41 births and 22 deaths. The reports were accepted and placed on record.