Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 18, no. 267, p. 5, col. 2
Saturday Was Pay Day in Many
Large Factories.
Quite $75,000 was paid out to skilled and unskilled labor by Muncie manufacturers and the merchants and business men generally felt the good results last evening. The factory boys had plenty of money and their purchases were more liberal in many instances than for many weeks past.
The window glass workers who have been idle for some time until two weeks ago used much of their market money in squaring up old scores, and at several mills where business has been slack the pay was an increase.
The Indiana Iron company and the Midland Steel company each paid off distributing an aggregate of over $25,000. The Pulp company, Consumers Paper company, Whiteley Malleable Castings company, C. H. Over and Maring-Hart Window Glass companies, Wheel company, J. H. Smith & Co, Bending works, Muncie Iron and Steel company, Nelson and Muncie Flint Glass companies, Hemingray Glass company, Patton Hollowware company and a score of lesser concerns paid off, making an aggregate sum of about $75,000.