Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 18, no. 267, p. 1, col. 5
Is the Estimation Placed On
The Anderson Crowd.
Ten Coaches Ready For the Special
Train Which Leaves Muncie
at 10 a. m. — The Delegates.
Late last night all preparations for the visit of the Muncie union glass workers and their friends to Anderson today, were perfected and those in a position to know best, estimate that at least 1,000 people will board the special train which will leave the big Four depot at precisely 10 o'clock this morning.
This being the case, it will be quite a task for Agent Gribben to supply all with tickets and if you wait until the last moment to secure the excursion ticket, you may get left. Several persons purchased tickets last evening, and many others will be secured as early as 8 o'clock this morning. The office will be open from 7:30 a. m. until after the departure of the regular train.
Previous to the departure of the train there will be a parade of Union glass workers on the principal streets here with the City band, which accompanies the delegation. The parade will be made about 9 o'clock dispersing at the depot.
Upon the arrival of the train in Anderson the occupants will fall into line, marching to headquarters. The parade in Anderson will start at 1 o'clock p. m. It is expected to be the greatest demonstration ever made by one branch of organized labor.
The cities of Marion and Elwood and other towns in the gas belt will send trains which will swell the crowd greatly.
After the parade there will be several speeches by prominent men and a general reunion and good social time until the time for the departure of the trains in the evening.
The following delegates have been selected by the local glass workers unions:
Local union No. 23, of Hmmingray's [sic] Hemingray's glass works; Albert Evans, John Dodd and John Bishop.
Lcoal union No. 91, of the Muncie glass works; William Everhard, Con Canning and Greely Furguson.
Local union No. 44; of the Nelson glass works; Elmer Whitehead and John Riley.
Green league, of Ball Bros.'s glass works, John Thornton, John Canning, John O’Meara, William Conely and Wm. Letz.
C. H. Over’s preceptory, window glass workers; James Mueller and John Bowers.
Maring-Hart's preceptory, window glass workers; John Smith and W. E. Berry.
Green Pressers league, William Strong and James McCabe.
The delegates will precede the excursion train, going on the 8 o'clock train this morning.
Yesterday several union glass workers came to Muncie from Dunkirk and Redkey remaining over night to take the train this morning.
The object of the gathering is simply a reunion with the object of furthering the interests of organized labor in the glass business in the gas belt. It is also a step that may result in the federation of the different glass unions.