Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 18, no. 239, p. 5, col. 3
A Novel Reception.
The reception given by Mrs. Thomas F. Hart yesterday from 9 to 11 was unique, and a very brilliant social event, enjoyed by 60 lady guests. Mrs. May of Illinois and Mrs. Hart’s sister, Mrs. Ault, were the guests of honor. The parlors were most beautifully decorated with palms, flowers and shaded light, the parlors having been darkened.
White roses, palms and vines formed the decorations in the reception room, those in the west parlor being carnations and potted plants, with crimson ivy on the chandeliers and over the windows and pictures. The east parlor was decorated with pink carnations and smilax. The prevailing color in the dining room was a profusion of yellow roses, the lights being shaded accordingly, and the effect was very striking.
The breakfast was served in several courses and was very beautiful. Mrs. J. F. Wildman and the guests of honor assisted in receiving the guests. Mrs. Ralph Hemingray and Miss Emma Morris and Mary Myers were the attendants in the dining room. Little Miss Della Ault received at the door in charming manner. She is a niece of Mrs. Hart.