Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 18, no. 214, p. 1, col. 3
It Was The Interesting Part of
the Council Meeting.
Many Recommendations Made by
Him. — A Stack of Bills and a
Little Other Business.
Mayor Cromer bustled into the little court room last night immediately after arriving from the windy city, Chicago. He still had some lake breeze and zero weather in his pockets which he emptied out to the council chamber. He had heard that Muncie's council had not met for three weeks, and when he looked around he found only six members present. Lenon is in Atlanta, Lyman is sick, Porter is in Alexandria, Haymond is away on business and Gray has been sick for several weeks. At 7:30 o’clock those present decided that it would again be impossible to transact any business when Gray hobbled into the room, wrapped in a couple of overcoats and half a dozen mufflers, and there was then a quorum present. Clerk Elrod read the minutes of the meeting held over a month ago and were approved by the council.
Joseph Hinton was granted until May 1st to complete his sidewalk on North High street.
Gray, of the library committee, reported that a stove was needed in the library. The committee was authorized to supply same.
The following bills for the past three weeks were allowed:
Engineer's payroll...............................$ 431 73
Engineer's office pay roll........................ 72 08
Asphalt street cleaning ........................ 102 28
J W. Bedrick .......................................... 77 86
C. F. W. Neely......................................... 42 50
Treasurer Delaware county....................... 6 53
Indiana Bridge Co.................................... 6 20
Mock & Baker........................................ 53 30
Bandy Planing Mill................................ 52 51
Hemingray Glass Co................................ 75
Cincinnati Manufacturing Co................. 13 15
T. H. Barton.............................................. 1 35
Ralph Cox................................................. 9 00
Muncie Transfer Co................................ 44 50
Western Electric Co................................ 46 93
Barton & Crone........................................ 2 80
Western Union Telegraph Co................... 1 25
Frank Young ............................................ 5 50
L. S. Jones............................................ 227 95
Huffman................................................... 2 50
W. A Baker............................................... 5 70
H. H. Highlands....................................... 4 65
Washington Carbon Co.......................... 60 90
T. J. Slinger............................................. 15 60
L Dungan ................................................. 3 55
Telephone Co............................................. 20
Ribble & Gass.......................................... 6 50
Marion Stewart......................................... 1 50
Muncie Water Works Co........................ 15 00
Jockey Club Shoeing Co........................ 10 65
W. L. Wood.............................................. 2 00
R. Meeks & Sons................................... 79 00
C. S. Wachtell & Son............................. 25 25
Noble Thornburg...................................... 2 00
Heat Light and Power Co......................... 9 35
Police commissioners........................... 100 00
Cemetery committee.............................. 13 50
John McMahon........................................ 1 00
William Love............................................ 75
Goodridge & Co.................................... 23 75
C. W. Crabbs ......................................... 12 75
C. C C. & St. L. Co................................ 25 39
E. E. Daugherty........................................ 6 00
Harry Mauley.......................................... 92 27