Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 18, no. 157, p. 1, col. 4
Was in Order When Peter
Zinkey Was Injured.
Knocked Down by a Horse Last
Evening and His Face Cut
Open-His Wounds Not
Great excitement prevailed on Walnut street last evening about 7 o’clock, when a boy was picked up, apparently unconscious, in front of Koods & Manok's store and carried into Andrews’ drug store, leaving a trail of blood behind.
Hundreds of people crowded around the door attempting to gain admittance, but were refused. The boy was placed in the care of Dr. Jackson.
Peter and John, the 15 and 13 year-old sons of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Zinkey, who reside on Sixteenth street in Shedtown, came up town about 6 o'clock last night to have a good time. They were masked as were two or three other boys who were with them. They were having a good time on Walnut street when Peter stepped in front of a horse which was being driven by Claude Shaffer, a well known man who resides six miles east of the city. Peter was knocked down by the shaft and simultaneously the horse reared and when he came down his foot struck Peter on the right side of the face cutting a hole through his cheek. Ralph Hemingray was standing on the sidewalk and rushed out and pulled the boy from beneath the horses feet. He carried him to Andrews' drug store where Dr. Jackson sewed up the wound and attended to his other wounds which were slight. Potter & Moffitt’s ambulance was called and the boy was removed to his home.
Mr. Shaffer, who was driving the horse, went to the drug store as soon as possible to learn the extent of the boy’s wounds and offered any assistance necessary.
Spectators say that he was not to blame for the accident as the boy ran in front of his horse.