Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 18, no. 157, p. 1,5, col. 3-4,3
The Event Celebrated with
Unusual Enthusiasm.
Many Grotesque Costumes —
Social Functions Mark the
Event — Balls, Parties
and Receptions.
The fall autumn moon looked down from a semi cloudless sky upon many strange scenes in Magic Muncielast evening. It was Hallowe'en and the event was celebrated with unusual demonstration and enthusiasm.
The appearance upon the street early in the evening of a large number of people enmasque and wearing grotesque costumes, together with the blowing of horns and the operation of various noise producing, nerve destroying apparatuses marked by the presence of the annual festival of foolishness and mischief making. The crowd continued to increase and at 9 o’clock it seemed that all Muncie was out, and that the majority of the people were masquerading to strange and comic costumes.
The sidewalks were jammed all along the business streets, and even the streets to many places were crowded with pedestrians. A number of accidents occurred, as a result of the hilarity and the excitement incident to so great a crowd, many of them on missions of mischief intent.
But while the crowd upon the streets resolved itself into a good natured mob, that pushed and shouted, and filled the night with discord and confusion, the event was being celebrated in many places with delightful social functions, where were gathered crowds of congenial friends who indulged in pleasant pastimes. Following ar some of the many social events of the evening:
Mrs. J. H. Smith and Mrs. L. A. Franklin gave a reception at the home of Mrs. Smith, 622 East Main street, from 8 till 10 o*clock last evening, in honor of Mrs. Emily Bishop, who has been conducting a series of lectures at the M. E. church. A large number of people called during the evening to pay their respects to the distinguished lady.
One of the most unique parties given last evening was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Bannister on East Main street. About 50 guests were present and each were delightfully entertained by the novel manner in which the program of the evening was carried out. The guests arrived unmasked and then each donned a sheet and pillow slip and after a few minutes circulating it was impossible to tell one from the other. They formed the mystic circle and then each approaced [sic] approached bowls filled with different fluids and had their fate pronounced. The ghosts' march was next which was pretty amid brilliant alcohol lights. Amusements of novel kinds were indulged in by the guests and then the masks were cast aside. An elegant lunch was served, the interesting part of which was the cutting of the Hallowe’en cake. Each guest received a piece and then anxiously looked for a ring and hoped that it would not be a button, key or a thimble. The following verse composed by Mrs. Minnie Boyce explained the significance of these four articles:
The ring, the ring marriage will bring,
The button single will go;
The key a trip over Nature’s ship,
The thimble, work you know.
The ring was found in Miss Isa Lockwood's piece and Miss Anna Tabb discovered the button in her cake. Miss Sarah Hathaway was unfortunate in securing the key and Miss Martha Thomas grieved at the sight of the thimble. After the refreshments were served the guests continued to enjoy themselves until a late hour when they departed with the expression that it had been the most enjoyable Halloween of their lives.
A number of the friends of Miss Ada Cammack were entertained last evening at her home on West Jackson street. The guests arrived enmasque and were received by Miss Ada, her sister, Miss Grace, and Miss Martha Thomas. The evening proved a very enjoyable one to the guests.
A jolly party of Muncie young people drove to the home of Samuel Sunderland, in the country last evening where a gay time was had. Mr. and Mrs. Sunderland had made ample arrangements including refreshments for entertaining the party. The company included the following: The Misses Clara Leonard, Maude Thornburg, Marie Griffith, Beulah Brunton, Edna Gromman, Edith Starr, Laura Payton, Minnie Cecil, Belle Johnson, Matie Cassity and Flora Eads. Messrs. Rufus Hettle, Walter Shoemaker, Frank Bukholder, Ira Overmyer, Carl Umbarger, Geo. True, A. M. Wagner, Flavius Sparks, J. T. Light, F. M. Mayfield and Loraine Allan.
Miss Mamie Eeds Entertained a number of her young friends at a spook party last evening, at her home 912 East Willard street. The guests were all enmasque, and some very novel costumes were worn.
The cooking club was entertained last evening by Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Kirby at their home in Riverside. An elegant spread that was plentiful in quantity, complete in all appointments and beaufully [sic] beautifully served was the feature of the occasion. Those present were Messrs. and Mesdames Edward White, D. A. McLain, J, E. Durham, C. L Medsker and Clifford Sampson.
Mrs. Joseph Hummel, Sr., entertained the ladies of the Universalist church at her home on East Gilbert street yesterday afternoon.
A masquerade ball was given in Franklin hall last night, under the direction of Bert Bishop, Granville Duke and Joe Kent. About 100 couples were present, and many grotesque costumes were to be seen in the crowd.
Music Council, No. 7, kept open house in the wigwam of Munsey Tribe of Red Men, last evening. Many of those present were enmasque and a very jolly social time was enjoyed.
One of the most unique and enjoyable social functions of Hallowe'en was a slumber party, given by Miss Grace Johnson at her home on East Washington street, to a few of her young lady friends. The gentlemen friends of the young ladies were invited in the earlier part of the evening and a very novel entertainment was given them. A maze, made of screens, in which were arranged at convenient places, masks and pumpkin faces, grotesquely and hideously marked were pointed out to the young men as their future wives, was one of the novelties. Fortune tellers were present and enlightened the boys on their future. Sawdust sausage and winnerwurst were served, and many other novel and amusing features were given to the entertainment. About 11 o’clock ice cream and cake were served, after which the gentlemen left and the young ladies reported that no one else in the house was permitted to sleep.
Those present were the Misses Reba Koons, Sarah Kirby, Hudie Smith, Agnes Howe and Maude Johnson. Messrs. Walter Howe, Delbert Galliher, Rob Hemingray, Carl Esterly, Con Hemingray and Don Anderton.
One of the most interesting meetings in the history of the Round Table was held yesterday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. J. E Durham on South Jefferson street. The subject for the day was Italy and the program given was:
Mt. Vesuvious, Monta Rosa............................................................Sarah R. McCulloch
Reading — "Last Days of Pompeii"...............................................Lotta Tyler
Pitti Palace ......................................................................................Emma Wilcoxon
Monte Carlo.....................................................................................Alice F. Cowing
Current Events.................................................................................Club
Mr. and Mrs. Rhine Hummel entertained a company of friends at their home on Main street last evening. There was a jolly crowd present. Elegant refreshments were served and the occasion greatly enjoyed. A feature of the evening was a hop in Hummel's hall.
Miss Pearl Gribben entertained a number of friends at a masquerade party last evening. Refreshments were served and a most enjoyable time was had. Those present were: Misses Lola Howell, Mucie Leffler, Ella Pigeon, Daisy Hamilton, Ida Clifford and Eva Turner. Messrs. Tobe Thompson, Harry Ice, Ed Lister, Cliff Yingling, Vic Silverburg and Walter Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carvel and Mrs. Buechel. Some very unique costumes were worn.
The Aid society of the Presbyterian church was entertained in the church parlors yesterday afternoon by Mrs. Dr. Dowell and Miss Mary Jones. An interesting musical program was rendered.
Miss Emma Wilcoxon entertained informally a few of her friends at her home on Dumont street last evening. Games and amusements common to the occasion were indulged in.
Wednesday was Kirby Wachtell's birthday anniversary and a number of his relatives made it the occasion for giving him a pleasant surprise. When he went home to dinner be found a number of guests waiting to greet him. A splendid dinner had been prepared for the occasion which was greatly enjoyed by all.
Miss Gertrude Younce entertained the following young people at her home on Vine street, last evening at a masquerade party: The Misses Ashley Hemingray, Clara Youngman, Archa Kilgore, Louise Ross, Blanch Winters, Ruth Crampton, Florence Gregory, Lena Turner. Messrs. Ulric Hurls, Will Emerson, Ralph Bard, Jamie Hickman, Walter Gregory, Walter Perdieu, Winlock Turner, Rollie Bunch, and Frank Shirk. Games of various kinds were indulged in and the evening was most delightfully spent.