Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 18, no. 117, p. 1, col. 3-4
Magic Muncie Continues
to Lead the Procession.
Of Industrial Progress and
Of the Figures Makes a
Splendid Showing.
The Year 1895 the Most Prosperous
in the History of the
City – Great is Muncie.
The year 1893 has been one of the most prosperous in the history of Muncie. The city’s growth and prosperity are not due to a boom nor a systematic effort on the part of the people to push business beyond a normal condition or the demands of trade. It has been a healthy conservative growth, the result of superior natural and acquired advantages, that have kept Muncie at the head of the procession in the march of industrial progress, and maintained for it the proud position as the metropolis of the gas belt. While other cities and towns have held their own or made slight advancement during the financial depression that has prevailed the past few years, Muncie has gone steadily on locating manufactories, building business blocks and homes, increasing her wealth and populations where she continues to grow of her own impetus.
While other cities in the gas belt have been crying hard times and bewailing their fate, Muncie has been marching along the road of prosperity to greatness, and during the year drawing to a close she has added 4,940 to her population. These figures are based upon facts, substantiated by statistics obtained through the manufacturing industries of the city were never in a more prosperous condition than at the present time. Every factory in Muncie with two or three exceptions is running full capacity and working a full complement of hands, many of them doing double turn and running day and night. The exceptions are the window glass houses that have not started up yet, but will begin operations next week. Many of the factories have increased their capacities within the past year, and are now working a arger force of hands than ever before. In addition to these, several new factories have been located and will be in operation soon adding a large numbe [sic] number to the list of mechanics and laboring men in the city. This increase in the number of employes in the factories, couple with the fact that several hundered [sic] hundred new homes have been built this year, and that there is not now a vacant residence property in the city, is evidence that the population of Muncie has been increased very materially withing [sic] within the past 12 months.
A careful convass of the city by the publishers of the city directory last fall gave Muncie a population of 22,285. From statements made by the manufacturers it is shown that there are now 1235 more mechanics and laboring men employed in the factories than was a year ago. Taking the usual rule for estimating population upon the basis of four to each male over 21 years old, would give Muncie an increase in population of 4940 during the past year, which added to the figures shown at the time the directory canvass was made would make a grand total of 27,825.
The following figures and statics obtained from the manufacturing establishments in the city for the basis for the statements above:
The Indiana Iron workers, employ 800 hands, as increase of 150 over last year; pay roll $35,000. Working double turn and running day and night.
Indiana Bridge company, 160 hands, increase 30; pay roll $6,500. This company contemplates improvements that will add about 25 more hands to its pay roll.
Midland Steel works, 400 hands, pay roll $22,000. Building a new addition 150x70, which will add 50 to the number of employes, and increase the pay roll about $3,000 per month.
Florence Iron and Steel company, 300 hands, increase 130; pay roll $12,000.
Park Iron and Steel works, 65 hands; pay roll $2,500.
Muncie Iron and Steel works, 135 hands, increase 35; pay roll $4,500. A muck train has been added to this mill this year, greatly increasing the capacity.
Muncie Wheel works, 150 hands, increase 10, pay roll $4,000.
Muncie Pulp company, 200 hands; pay roll $7,000
Muncie Glass company, 200 hands; pay roll $7,000.
Hemingray Glass company, 160 hands; pay roll $6,000.
Muncie Casket works, 35 hands, increase 10; pay roll $1,500.
J.H. Smith & Cos. Bending works, 140 hands, pay roll $6,000.
Pattan Holloware company, 125 hands, increase 20; pay roll $7,000.
Nelson Glass company, 165 hands, increase 40; pay roll $8,000.
Ball Bros. Glass factory, 1000 hands, increase 200; pay roll $35,000. This company is building a new factory which will largely increase the capacity of the plant and add a number of employes to the pay roll.
Common Sense Engine company, 175 hands increase 60; pay roll $7,000. The company is planning to build an addition 50x150 feet, 2-stories high, which will add about one-third to the capacity of the plant, and increase the number of hands about 50.
Port Glass works, 125 hands; pay roll $6,000.
Consumers Paper company, 50 hands, pay roll $2,000.
Whitely Malleable Castings company, 250 hands; will soon be increased to 350; 250 hands; will soon be increased to 350; pay roll $15,000.
Bell Stove works, 40 hands; pay roll $2000.
Boyce Handle factory, 30 hands; pay roll $1,500.
Mari Hart Glass works, 250 hands, increase 50; pay roll $12,000.
Tappan Shoe company, 150 hands, increase 25; pay roll $3,000.
Gill Bros Pot factory, 40 hands; pay roll $2,000.
Muncie Underwear company, 90 hands, increase 40; pay roll $4,000. Running day and night.
C.H. Overs Glass works, 225 hands, increase 100; pay roll $16,000.
Whitely Reaper work, 100 hands; pay roll $5,000.
These figures obtained from the manufacturers are correct, and can be verified by any one who will take the trouble to investigate. They represent a total of 5,680 hands employed in the factories; an increase over the number working in the same establishments last year of 1,135. These 5,680 employes receive in wages every month $241,500.
The figures given represent the actual number of people employed at the present time, the increases in numbers over last year and the amount paid in wages in each factory every month.
In addition to the list of manufacturing industries are the following: Crozier Washing Machine factory, Hanika Fence company, Muncie Roofing company, Klopfer Carriage and Buggy works, Reed Box company, B.W. Bennett, Mock Bros and Jos Prutzman brick yards, Magic City Canning company, Bower & Kendall Carriage works, Muncie Artificial Ice company, Bandy Planing mill, Nelson and Miller Planing mill, Boyce Rivet company, Eureka Washing Machine company, Handy Washing Machine company.
There are employed in these minor concerns about 500 hands, which is about one hundred more than were working in the same concerns last year. These figures added to the statistics given above make a grand total of 6,180 employes in Muncie’s factories; an increase of 1,235 over last year.
In addition to the factories above mentioned there are three new concerns located in Muncie that will be in operation before the end of the year.
They are Snedeker Guitar and Mandolin company, the Ontario Silverware company and the Anchor Veneer company. These three factories will work about 200 hands.